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Posts posted by GoD

  1. Things had taken a turn for the worse. Not only was there a freaking Dragon attacking the group, Gytha and Ucollas we're arguing, which was Ucollas' fault entirely. Seriously, he had to learn that even Artificial Humans have feelings too, they're not just blasphemy because the gods decreed it. Chelsea had to remind herself to apologize to Gytha and thank Synthia later. Oh and that man called Domovoi, since he had defended the troubador.

    Chelsea decided to close in on Sabina for now.

  2. So many events had happened that Chelsea was having a hard time registering it all. All that she could think about, was why her magic malfunctioned like it did.

    " I do not understand, why that happened. Unless the magic gates in my body were shut down.........no way. It was Shutdown!? How!? Before entering the battle, I made sure to keep my power to maximum.......was I that scared of killing someone? No way, I can't be such a wuss....... Whatever. I've fixed the problem and it seems to be working again, so next time I won't miss. I WILL become stronger.....Because if I'm not...."- Chelsea thought as she made her way to where the group was gathering, with a blank look on her face.

    As she overheard small tibdits of the conversation she chuckled softly. "Serial Killer? With those descriptions, you'd think he's a hero."

  3. After another blow by the Dark mage, which thanks to the Paling was softened, Cheslea decided to try and hit him again. Which led to no success, as the ball once again exploded prematurely. "Oh come- Gyaaah"- Chelsea was interrupted as the Dark Mage had decided to launch another attack on the Paling. Which failed, miserably, as the paling absorbed the damage like it was nothing. "Gotta keep goin."- Chelsea mumbled.

    Chelsea attacks again....Dark Mage A; 1,3,2; MISS. http://invisiblecast...r/view/3068120/

    Dark Mage A attacks Chelsea; 3,1,2; 0 Damage to Chelsea http://invisiblecast...r/view/3068122/

    Chelsea 9/12

    Dark Mage A: 9/9

  4. Chelsea decided to actually do something and fight. It had been some time since she last fought, and that ended up with her being in a small coma. She shook her head, clearing her mind of such thoughts. "I won't miss" - the mountless troubador said, facing down a Dark Mage.For her attack, she conjured light in her hand, and like a baseball threw it at her enemy . Hwever, the magical concentration within the ball of light was probably weak, as it exploded prematurely, before it could strike the intended target. "Ugh, lame."- Chelsea muttered as she put up a Paling to block the dark ball sent by the enemy Dark mage, which only grazed said magical shield.

    Chelsea Roll: 1,5,3 http://invisiblecast...r/view/3068010/

    Chelsea attacks Dark mage A; MISS

    Counter Roll: 3,3,1 http://invisiblecast...r/view/3068012/

    Dark mage A attacks Chelsea; 1 Damage

    Chelsea: 11/12 HP

    Dark Mage A: 9/9 HP

  5. As the battle raged on, Chelsea hung back and scanned for anyone who needed any medical attention. Thankfully Nadya and Joanna, newcomers were able to heal many wounds. And it looked the group had gotten even stronger than before. Noticing Amon was hurt pretty bad, she decided to signal to Ucollas that she would go to Amon's aid. "Ucollas! I'll help Amon so follow me."- she told him and before he could follow, the mount-less troubador had already raced to a spot where she could heal Amon, with some distance between them of course.

    "Hang in there Amon."

    Chelsea healed Amon for 4 HP

    Amon 9/12

    Chelsea and Shadrak gained 3 points

  6. Chelsea turned towards Shadrak and spoke "U- Shadrak, I understand your desire to follow Truth's will, but even so they are still people, artificial or not. I think we shouldn't kill too many, or avoid killing entirely. That's my opinion on the matter." Chelsea believed that if she could avoid as much bloodshed as possible, less casualties could appear in this battle. "I know I'll have to kill someone if the time comes, but......I just don't think killing is the correct option."

  7. When they finally arrived at the site, Chelsea kindly told Nesha to step back from the fight. The horse took it fine, and left off somewhere. Chelsea sighed, knowing that this was going to be a diificult battle, when suddenly Ucollas came up to her, asking her to join her team. "Yeah that's fine with us. We could always use the extra boost in offensive magic. You stick to hitting them from afar, heal when neccesary. My first priority will be to heal and provide offense only when neccesary. Nanahm-"- Chelsea called out to the warrior, "Get back here with us, we have to prepare for battle. Also you know Shadrak, right? He'll be joining us from now on."- the troubador told her companion.

  8. "............Only shine in the Darkest of Nights."- she knew it. It was HIM. Approaching Shadrak she whispered into his ear.

    "What the hell Ucollas, you said you would check up on me once you were older."- Chelsea told the dark mage a frown evident on her face. She pulled back and let out a sigh.

    "Though I knew you would be alright. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW WORRIED I WAS!?"- Chelsea yelled, albeit quietly at Shadrak, her voice was quite tense.

  9. Before Chelsea could even decide on a room to rest in, she heard yelling and concerned she left the inn and decided to see what was going on. Shadrak of course, followed along.

    When she got out, there was Gabriella yelling and talking quite rudely to Raquel. Chelsea opted to say something however instead her eyes meeting Shadrak's, she asked a question to the dark mage. "Where are you from? Perhaps a village at the border of Kigen and Ursium?"

  10. Chelsea knew that Raquel was a bit upset so she bowed at her, and faced the woman with a sad smile. "Excuse my impertinence Lady Raquel. I know you must be stressed out, and I probably made it worse with that kind of joke. I'm sorry to make you worry about trivial matters. Just try to keep a positive attitude and everything will work out, alright? Well then please excuse us."- she bowed once again and, signaling Shadrak to follow her, she made her way inside the inn, and up the stairs to get to her room.

    "I must remember to not make any crude jokes when the timing does not seem right."

  11. As both the troubador and the dark made tried to ask Raquel, it seemed like the young woman already knew what they we're going to say and thus raised an eyebrow. "Woah, easy there Boss. There's no cause for alarm, he just wanted to ask me a long series of questions in private. This is Shade's idea but I'm part of it as well. And Besides...."- Chelsea paused as she took the dagger Raquel gave her long ago and handed it to her. "There we go, I think we forgot about that thing, you need me to pay for it or somethin? Anyways, Shade's try anything funny...... let's just say the report back to the professor would include, that one of the serial killer's victims was our little dark mage, and leave it at that. Okay?"

  12. Chelsea raised an eyebrow at Shadrak's request. "What exactly do you mean by that? Well I don't haven't made any arrangements with anyone else.....and it seems like you want to ask me something important...."- Chelsea pondered on this thought for a moment. On one hand, Shadrak was a guy. But on the other, if he tried anything.....well.... let's just say people will think the serial killer's next target would be Shadrak. And the fact that he wanted to ask her something important.

    "Yeah I'm free, you?"

  13. Chelsea rolled her eyes in a playful manner then sighed. "What I want to know is what the kid was aiming at in the first place and why? And why in the gods' name did you decide to intervene."- The troubador asked as she got up from her kneeling position. "All done, now come along. We have people to heal, or I do. I just need the company, as it might help me face these corpses. Did I mention I hate corpses?"- She said as she made her way back to Nesha offering a seat for Nanahm to sit on Nesha's saddle. The horse whinied in response, but Chelsea quickly shut him up by petting the horse in the head. "You be quiet. If you do I'll give you 2 apples, instead of 1."

  14. "Oh wow, I'm surprised you didn't die from something like that....then again this is YOU we're talking about. I'm pretty sure you can survive an avalanche. I think."- Chelsea said as she was mending the wound. "Also how can you win something like that? What you did was incredibly stupid...and also incredibly cool. But since it's you, we're only adding stupid."- she added. "And I was having a few.....problems....I'd like not to talk about it. Sorry about that. Regardless who is that kid? And why did he start a fight with you?"- Chelsea asked.

  15. As Chelsea recovered from her heart attack, she along with her horse Nesha, headed outside to see the aftermath of the bloody battlefield. She also made a mental note to apologize to everyone....ot maybe they wouldn't know. Not like they cared, or did they? "Ah well, that's not very nice of me. To think of my companions in such a way. Still, I cannot shake that horrible feeling, just like......that stone I have in my bag. Or maybe it's just something else....yeah that MUST be it." -Chelsea pondered on the matter as she viewed the battlefield.

    Bloody corpses strewn everywhere, Raquel's group and the group from earlier seemed to be in an alliance of some sorts. It seemed like a lot of her own people we're injured, however they we're getting back up and healing themselves. Scuffles amongst some people....and someone, a young man had just driven an arrow through Nanahm's arm. Chelsea sighed, knowing that Nanahm was alright. She rode up to Nanahm and asked "Good evening milord, would care for an inspection of your arm. Which means, what the hell did you do this time. Nice moves by the way."- Chelsa hopped down from Nesha and began to work on his injured arm using her heal staff.

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