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Posts posted by GoD

  1. Chelsea thanked John from protecting her as she stumbled her way back to Nesha. She shakily got on the saddle, and with her last remaining energy, directed one last light attack at the enemy shaman. She summoned a ball of light magic over her head. Said ball, managed to split into 5 beams of light. With a wave of her hand she sent them to skewer the shaman.

    (Roll: 2,3,1. Damage done: 4+3=7-4=3+2=5 Link http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2950380/)

    All of the beams managed to pierce through the shaman's remaining defenses and skewer him quite brutally, as the spears protruded out in both ends of the body, gushing out copius amounts of blood. Chelsea promptly fainted at the sight of blood. Nesha noticed his master faint and galloped across the battlefield to raquel's wagon, where he knew taht Chelsea would be taken good care of.

    Shaman A: 0/9 Defeated

    Chelsea gained 5 points!

    Warning: Chelsea is unconcious.

  2. Chelsea decided to stop healing and actually be useful for the team. She ordered Nesha to direct his course near the last shaman, whilist she prepare her spell.

    When they got close enough, Chelsea released 7 bolts of powerful light at the enemy shaman.

    (Dice Roll: 5,5,6. Damage done= 5+4=9+2=11-4=7. Linkhttp://invisiblecast...r/view/2950172/)

    Before the shaman could put up a magic shield, he was bombarded by all 7 bolts of light. He had received major damage, but he could still fight back. He conjured up a ball of darkness to inflict damage on the silly troubador that had tried to kill him. His target locked, he let loose his attack. Chelsea tried to counter by putting up a shield of light, but the poor girl had used much of her power trying to attack the shaman. So her defense was quite sloppy.

    (Dice Roll: 5,4,1. Damage Done=6+4-2-4=4. Linkhttp://invisiblecast...r/view/2950200/)

    Chelsea was bombarded by the ball of darkness and she was sent flying a few feet away from her trusty steed. Nesha noticed the attack and his master falling off, and he galloped over to her side to see if she was okay. She groggily got up and sent a thumbs up at Nesha, who whined happily, relieved to see his master alive.

    Chelsea: 5/9 HP

    ShamanA: 2/9HP

  3. Chelsea saw Nanahm fall yet again to Boris's attack, thankfully Rodrigo distracted him long enough for Chelsea to pick up Boris's unconcious body and drag him back to the wagon.

    Once done with that task, she set her eyes on someone in need of healing. Her eyes traveled across the battlefield and located Gytha. From a distance she healed her.

    Gytha 15/15

    Chelsea gained 2 points.

  4. Chelsea used the combat knife to free Miss Jenny from the ropes that bound her. "Stay here, you'll be much safer."- the troubador told her and took off to find Nanahm near the wagon, still unconcious.

    Thankfully Raquel had taken good enough care of him, so that he wouldn't die. She placed the tip of her staff onto Nanahm's chest, then muttered incantation after incantation, until finally a bright light appeared on the staff. Said light transferred over to Nanahm, which restored some of his wounds and allowed him to regain conciousness.

    Nanahm is revived! Hp: 2/18

    Chelsea gained 3 points!!

  5. Meanwhile Chelsea had managed to gallop straight ahead to rescue one of the hostages.

    "Don't worry you are safe now. Just hang on a little bit longer."- she assured the woman as she hoisted her up on the saddle.

    "Sadly I have nothing to cut the ropes, but my friend should have one."- with that statement she ordered Nesha to gallop all the way back to Raquel's wagon.

    When she arrived there, she approached the merchant, the lady in tow. "Hey Raquel you have something to cut ropes, because I kinda need it."- the troubador asked.

  6. Noticing that Shadrak was in danger Chelsea rushed over to heal him.

    "Are you okay, please don't lose your cool. Just keep it up and we'll win this fight."- she told the dark mage.

    Shadrak Hp: 6/9.

    Chelsea gained 2 points!

    Chelsea has 43 points!!

    After healing some of his wounds, the troubadour and her trusty steed rushed over to next fallen comrade. When they arrived, Chelsea scooped him up,(Noticing he was quite heavy, she made a mental note to work out some.)and put him on the front seat of the saddle. With a command she made Nesha gallop as far away from the battle, at least close to the Carriage, so she could leave him in Raquel's care. Until she had the strength to regenarate his will to fight of course.

  7. "Yeah I like that. Let's be comrades in arms, then um...Nanahm was it? My name is Chelsea, and this is my horse Nesha. Say Hi boy."- Chelsea smiled gesturing to herself and Nesha.

    In response Nesha snorted and ignored Nanahm. Chelsea pouted at Nesha then turned to Nanahm with an apologetic look on her face. "Sorry he doesn't like strangers too much, especially if they're men."

  8. "I am afraid to say that I do not pertain to a combat group, That is to say Raquel never put me in one. Anyways I came to ask you about dark magic. Such as.....how doe-"- Chelsea was cut off by the smoke and Raquel's announcement. She looked at Shadrak apologetically and said. "Sorry-dorry looks like we are gonna have to be careful, so I'll talk to you later."- She then exited the carriage and whistled for Nesha. He stopped and galloped over to his master's side. She pulled out a heal staff and a light tome from her bag, got on her horse and followed the carriage closely behind.

  9. Annoyed, that she wasn't receiving an answer, Chelsea climbed into the carriage and told Nesha to keep on marching. He whined in annoyance, but nevetheless, did what his master told him to do.

    "So um....hi again."- Chelsea said cautiously to the dark mage.

  10. Listening to Shadrak and Raquel's conversation about the emblem....she wanted to be a part of this conversation as well.....but she felt sort of... "Out of place".... just like in the village.

    "After all, who wants to be acquianted with an odd Troubador who isn't even gentle or softspoken, but loud, annoying, obnoxious......Gee, I have a lot of things that don't really match my job description."- Chelsea thought, then sighed sadly. She exited the inn, and approached Raquel's wagon, wherever it was parked at, and found Nesha standing on all fours, waiting patiently for his master to arrive. When she was close enough, she stroked his golden mane, slowly but softly, and she hummed a small tune.(OOC: Think the Gladrar from Path of Radiance) This was better for her, being alone like this, but she wasn't lieing when she wanted to tag along with the group. It was just.....she was less sociable than other people tend to think. But alone, humming this tune was something Chelsea would keep a secret for a very long time.

    Thankfully this was done in only a short amount of time, 5 minutes at best, before she hopped on Nesha and when Raquel called for everyone, she smiled a goofy smile.

    "Present!! Hey Boss where are we going today?"- Chelsea asked, curious about the group's next destination.

  11. So much confusion over what's updated in the OP and the items include...but Chelsea shall speak to Raquel about that.

    Also Phoenix, you can use Nesha if you need to go somewhere, but you're too lazy to walk there.

    Use him as often as you see fit.

    Also I edited my post in teh RP.Go for it.

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