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Posts posted by GoD

  1. Feeling a bit left out of the conversation, Chelsea decided to chime in, by poking her head out of the wagon.

    "Bert in an apron..... picturing it now I think he would look kinda cute. All that's left is the charming smile and he would have a bunch of women flocking to him. Ha.... that's actually funny."- the troubadour smirked at the image of Bert running away from legions of women. Nearby Nesha whined a noise of disaproval, which caused his master to stare at him.

    "Oh come on, don't give me that."- Chelsea spoke to her horse as they engaged in some sort of staring competition.

  2. Once the battle was over, Chelsea wandered about trying to heal anyone who needed their injuries tended. Her eyes fell on the girl who she revived a few moments prior. Walking to her while leading Nesha, she began to prepare herself to cast healing magic. Once she arrived the troubadour attended to the girl's wounds.

    "Personally I don't like killing, but they would have complicated the fight. If we can avoid killing then we won't, but otherwise we will. Name's Chelsea, yours?"

  3. Chelsea could feel her strength return to her and she made a mental note to hug Sophia later... And also to instruct Nadya to leaver some people to fight. Regardless, she felt like she could revive another one of her teammates, however she felt inclined to help Norbert with the new girl from Sanctuary. Pressing the blunt part of her staff onto the girl's chest, she transferred her energy to the girl. Once done she sighed loudly, "I can't take much more of this. If this keeps up we'll-" Chelsea was cut short as the troubadour began to cough violently.

    Chelsea revived Tiba

    Tina 4/15 HP

    Chelsea team gains 3 points!

    (Ooc: Thanks Acacia!!)

  4. "Crap!!! I mean... Miss Veronika, please hang on!!"- Chelsea in the ensuing chaos of the battle had finally managed to get to where Veronika was lying in the sand. Getting off Nesha, the troubadour took out her healing staff and began applying magical energies to it. "Oh Goddess give the fallen another chance, Raise!!"- Chelsea applied the staff to the Noblewoman's chest and fed the woman healing magic.

    Chelsea revived Veronika!!

    Veronika (4/15)

    Points gained?

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