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Posts posted by GoD

  1. The Silly Girl:

    "Okay then. Not attacking the scary guy who can stab me."- she told herself and went back to eating her own stew. When she noticed that Nanahm was sitting across from her, the troubadour waved at him hoping he would notice.

    And then talk about Aisha and Lilith began. Chelsea did not have any particular opinion about Lilith, only that it would be really cool if she could join them. Lilly was a questionable vasili but she seemed like a nice lady.

    Aisha however made Chelsea frown. If it wasn't for the sand-goddess and her ridiculous demands, Amon would still be traveling with them.

    "It's because of her that Amon's not with us now. So she's a jerk."- Chelsea once again chimed in.

  2. A Lady named Chelsea:

    And so on went the day, with talking, more talking and of course the highlight of the day: Talking!!! Exciting wasn't it!!

    After Gar had introduced himself Chelsea decided to exit the room and get some shut-eye and retired to her room.

    She dreamed of many things.

    (Occ: Girls dreaming about Pillow Riding. Please wait Warmly.)

    After an hour or two of sleep, the troubadour awoke to find something was seriously wrong with her left foot. It was twitching uncontrollably, as if it was trying to say something was wrong. Chelsea took a quick look around her, but she could find anything that was seemingly out of place.

    With nothing better to do, she left her room and made her way to the kitchen where a lot of people were talking, apparently it was dinner-time and they were serving soup and stuff. Taking a minute to survey who was there and who wasn't, she took a bowl of soup and began eating it, she made a mental note to ask who made this thing to congratulate them for making something pretty amazing. Though her left foot still twitched from time to time, annoying her to no end.

    Well she was kinda bored so she decided to chime in on the conversation. "Whether he's Fallen or avian doesn't matter. He's strong, but still a dark magic user.... He IS just a shaman right? Not adept with swords, because if he is I'll pass if we fight him."


    "Sooooo.... What's the plan here? Long-Range attacks, Stealth Mission, Rendevouz Point, or do we try a Suicide Mission? Should we just vote for an option and go with that?- Chelsea let out an exhasperatsd suggestion. She was too damn tired of all this useless conversation, and she wanted to move around a little.

  4. "Okay so long story short, cultists are gonna attack us. Zach wants to save a girl that was harmed by the cultists and now we're planning to attack them with a sneak attack.

    So why are we talking when we have a plan?"- Chelsea mumbled to herself, trying to recap the events that were taking place.

    Then Robin was speaking again, about not killing anyone, again. "Allright then, you don't have to fight with us then. You can stay here and get back to fixing dinner for everyone!"- Chelsea told Robin with a grin plastered on her face.

    "Sooooo~"- she drawled out as she turned to face Raquel.

    "We can't bring our mounts inside the manse?"

  5. Seeing as she could not find Shadrak anywhere, the troubadour merely walked around the ship sighing dejectedly at every turn until the announcement that Raquel had summoned her mercs reached her ears.

    Then she met Zach. Who was friends with Robin. Chelsea turned her back to the reuniting pair and prayed to Mercy that everything would work out alright.

    And the situation was explained to everyone. Apparently a cult that specialized in taking little girls was ordered by the group that was after them to go... after them. Chelsea decided to finally talk after staying quiet.

    " The girl really isn't our problem. I mean, you two can go off and rescue the kid if you want. We're more worried about the threat that is this pedo cult. They could kill us, and we have to deal with them before we go acting like heroes."- she addressed to both Zach and Robin.

  6. But..... if you add a y to Org.

    See that's just bad. You can make fun of them easily.

    @Acacia: I bet the Org. is using a GPS. They input the co-ordinates of pink haired merchant with piece of emblem.


  7. What I want to know is when the guys that were following us actually got a name? Seriously Org,? That's just awful. Make up a fancy name or something because Org. could mean a lot of things.

    This is why we have groups like Ouroborus or Black Fang. They have cool names. Also you are jinxing it Roy.

    ..... Maybe enemy spy is Chip? That'd be creepy. Or it's a bird that is following us? Or it could be that...... I'll stop.

  8. So I'm just gonna repost my character from a few pages back with some improvements.


    Name: Thoma Suzakuin

    Nickname: Trauma

    Gender: Male

    Age: 28

    Class: Fighter

    Affinity: Water

    Weapon Profiency: Axes

    Weapon of Choice: Axes

    Inventory: Iron Axe

    Raw Stats:

    HP:5 STR:5 MAG:0 SKL:2 SPD:3 LCK:2 DEF:2 RES:1

    Simplified Stats:

    HP:15 MT:5 HIT: 3 Evade:5 DEF:2 RES:1

    Occupation: Traveling Bodyguard for Hire. (May do it for free if he gets to travel with beautiful woman.)


    Eye Color: Green

    Hair: Short but it reaches down to his neck. His hair color is Black.

    Body: His skin color is pretty much creamish and healthy. He's kinda slim, but he's muscular.

    Clothes: In battle he wears a silver chainmail undearneath his black jacket. His pants are quite formal and white, in stark contrats to pretty much to his upper body wear and what he usually wears. When he's not in a battle he usually wears a black shirt with black jeans.... this guy loves black and I'm not very descriptive.

    Nature: Perverted, manipulative, easy-going.

    Hometown: Kayoyama

    Connections: Some Clans within Kigen. He probably has one or two connections within the greater clans, but he's not that high on the monarchy, so people should not get their hopes up.

    Backstory: TBA

    So leveling? All right let's try this.

    Thoma Levels up? 1--> 5

    1. +1 HP, +1 SPD, +1 SKL

    2. +1 HP, +1 SPD, +1 SKL

    3. +1 STR, +1 SPD, +1 SKL

    4. +1 STR, +1 SPD, +1 DEF

    5. New Stats: 7 HP, 7 STR, 0 MAG, 5 SKL, 7 SPD, 2 LCK, 3 DEF, 1 RES

    Promotion? Tier 1 ----> Tier 2

    1. +1 HP, +1 STR, +1 SKL, +1 DEF

    2. New Stats: 8 HP, 8 STR, 0 MAG, 6 SKL, 7 SPD, 2 LCK, 4 DEF, 1 RES

    Remaining Points: 99 (DAMN IT)

  9. After a quite awhile of doing absolutely nothing but walk Nesha around, the troubadour decided to return to the ship. She was getting tired of her old clothes and it was time to change her wardrobe. So she lead Nenesha back to the ship and deposited him at the stables where he would be well kept. It was certainly not because she was mad at her horse, because he kept making chuckles at his master. Well that was kind of a bonus, but whatever.

    Entering her room, she decided to pull out one of the outfits that Sister Arquinas and the others had made for the troubadour. It wasn't awful, on the contrary, it was amazing and she would remind the sisters that they should open up a business. On the other hand the outfit was a bit... risque? It didn't look like something a cleric should wear, but then she was not like other clerics. And she wasn't on a religious mission, so the more versatality the better. Sister Lucia HAD suggested the skirt be extremely short, luckily she was able to convince (and by that I mean knock some sense into her literally) the nun that long skirts were better. "Note to self, mention that the girls are extreme perverts and they will be punished when I get back"

    In any case after putting on her new outfit (Picture will be added later) she was at a loss of what to do. So she wandered around the Dauntless, hoping to find Shadrak, so maybe he could comment on her new outfit.

  10. You could compare Chelsea with Nadya.

    Nadya is a demon because CynCyn planned right.

    Meanwhile I have not planned well, have not been in every battle... And I honestly don't know how well Chelsea would do simply because I have not had the pleasure of fighting with her in done time.... I do wonder how much damage I'd do.... Someone calculate with a 6,6,6 roll on both Chelsea and Nadya?

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