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Posts posted by Johann

  1. 2 minutes ago, Specta said:

    dude that is insanely lit. what an appreciated contribution to society, man

    21. i was a freelance graphic designer after high school and hated it and around 21 i decided to just yolo my ass into college to be an english teacher because art clients suck so bad at communicating that it makes a girl wanna go back in time and teach them as children how to not be so fucking bad at communicating

    Oh yeah clients are the worst thing ever. Right out of college, I worked for a few months as an environmental consultant and it put me into a heavy depression. Was eating worse and less often, less sleep too, and didn't have the time to do any of the things that give me genuine joy, like acting. Also a lot of bee stings, but that's like cartoonish suffering so I could laugh at that at least.

    Even though I teach science courses, I heavily emphasize to the kids that everything in college (and a career, and life) is about getting good at identifying and solving problems. Communication is like half of that since it doesn't help if nobody else understands the problem. It's hard enough with college kids but I can't imagine how crazy it is with high schoolers.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

    Okay, looks like it will be 120 every week for me then. I don't think I've ever been lucky enough to have less than 3 full lift losses in a week.

    Yeah I imagine few people who don't have Dark/Anima heroes are going to pull off a max reward score. Incidentally, last week I had a perfect scoring week for Defense, and it felt like a tease given how the season concluded before the update kicked in.

  3. 1 hour ago, XRay said:

    I often times wish I never started playing this game so I do not feel the urge to collect and spend.

    Games like this are designed to capitalize on your short-term feelings. Maintaining collections, fear of missing out, the "well, that sounds like a good deal" offers, status symbols, flashy new stuff, whatever. It's all a ploy to get you to internally rationalize your spending. It's a predatory system and the best thing you can do is push back on those feelings and think about all the other things you can do (or need to do) with your money.

  4. 7 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

    So, if we lose more than 240 lift in defense losses above Tier 20 do we not get anything for the week?  That's a bit harsh, unless it's expecting to have more Defense wins than losses.  People would get frustrated real fast if they lost more matches than they won.

    Nah, it just takes your 3 worst Def losses for the week and adds them up. 240 is the lowest it can go, and if you have two Yunes and a full Dark/Legendary team, your minimum score is going to be 120.

  5. 4 hours ago, Specta said:

    dude nice turnaround - what's the degree in?

    Emergency Management, so like FEMA/first responder/public health/national security type stuff. Got it for free through the college I teach at, and I really enjoyed the program. I'm extraordinarily fortunate that things worked out so well for me.

    How far along in your adult life were you before you came to the conclusion that this was what you wanted to do?

  6. 2 hours ago, Zeo said:

     I've actually had Gunnthra for quite a long time. I don't tend to use her very often but her ability is potent. She had the merit of debuffing on a turn by turn basis though. Not to say I won't be putting a Chill skill on one of my teammates. I'll definitely be looking into that. Especially considering Genny's S slot tends to be vacant. I'd like to be able to run Special Spiral on Matt to be honest.

    With your build, yeah Special Spiral is where it's at. Everything else is solid.

    Note that with Gunnthra, if a foe is debuffed and has a Panicked buff, it'll pick the lower of the two for the Atk bonus, so the same will probably apply to Matthew. Dunno if Ploys, Feints, Chills, or Aversa are your bag, but those can go a long way.

  7. Just now, Anacybele said:

    I mean I often see them placed on the left side or right side of the map while the real traps are more in the middle. It's how I can kinda sorta figure out which traps are real and fake in my AR battles. Ice Dragon sorta taught me that trick.

    Oh, you mean how you'd ideally want a real Bolt Trap to cover as much ground as possible, right? That's a good thing to keep in mind, though I never guess the traps. I always have contingencies.

  8. 8 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Yep, I think that's kinda what I was thinking when I placed those. And I also remembered hearing and even seeing in other people's defensive maps that fake traps are typically placed more off to the side, which makes sense, because players aren't really gonna go that way as often, so I did that too.

    I'm not sure I've seen or heard of people placing them off to the side, unless you mean just on separate paths so the player has to commit extra time in order to disarm them. Usually it's more like what you have on your right-hand side where they're clumped together, with the dilemma of how to get past them or even trigger them safely. If they're close together near the enemy, stuff like Reposition and Dance become less of a safe option, after all. You could put the fake Heavy Trap with the others like that, but I think it might be best to give Yune that little bit of protection.

    8 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Yeah, or at least make the skills a bit more accessible. They're on seasonal units only, I think. At least mostly.

    A lot of them, yeah. Only a small handful are available in the normal 5* pool, which is dumb cuz it's really just a skill for convenience

    edit: random thought, but maybe swap the locations of the Bolt Tower and Aether Pot in my example picture. This would give the attacker more immediate incentive to break the structure, helping Hrid/Sigurn get the opening they need.

  9. 1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

    Okay, it looks like your flying Nino represents Yune and your Palla represents Sigrun. Got it. Yeah, I figured I knew how to place the traps well, those weren't hard to figure out, somehow. And Disarm Trap is so handy in AR if you have it, which is why I'm glad I wanted and pulled for Bunny Palla. Her weapon and color also gave me a great anti-Surtr unit. She single-handedly improved my win rate in AR a lot because of those two things. I use her on all my offensive teams now. Oh, and as a bonus, I got her with perfect IVs too.

    What works so great is that the player pretty much HAS to come in from the left to clear that trap, since there's like no room on the right, and they can't use Smite to land on it to keep their turn.

    1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

    Yeah, makes me glad you can give blessings to people now to increase your SP output some and that the amount of SP level ups give was increased. It was so tedious before when it you could ever only get 3 SP per kill and before the increase in level up SP was implemented.

    Valor skill seals should be a thing, says I. At least TT is starting soon, so you could get a bit from grinding there.

  10. 8 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Nice pointers. A visual layout shouldn't be necessary, I think I get the gist of it. It's getting late here though, and I've messed around with the map several times today as is, so I'll work more on it tomorrow. Just a note though, it might take some time to get some characters more skills, because they might need some SP grinding, and it isn't double SP time right now.

    I ended making a mock-up anyway just to remember, and in case anyone wants to learn from it:


    I don't have all the units you do, so uh, just pretend everybody's here. It occurred to me that your Bolt Trap placement is perfectly done, since it requires a lot of work to disarm safely (assuming a player doesn't have the Disarm Trap skill).

    As for the SP, yeah it's lame as hell to have to grind it out. At least it's easy enough to just keep restarting GHB maps if you need a bit more, I guess

  11. 5 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    Hm. That sounds good to me. I'll do that. That top part anyway, since I'd have to think about how to put a rally unit in there.

    Oh, I also just moved the healing tower over a few spaces so Hrid and Berkut aren't "locked."

    Looking much smoother now. For a Rallier thing, there's a lot of ways to do this, so here's what I'd suggest:

    • Put Yune where Azura is currently, and given her any Rally (I'd recommend Atk I guess since it'll target Hrid).
    • Put Azura where your Healing Tower is currently.
    • Put Sigrun where Yune is currently
    • Give either Rally Def or Res to either Hrid or Sigrun
    • Healing Tower should be moved south (or replaced with a different structure, see below)

    Now, in action, there should be two things that work uniquely about this:

    • If your enemy tries to bait Hrid, Yune will fly over and Rally him. Azura will then warp next to Yune and dance her, giving her the full buffs and movement bonus.
    • If your enemy tries to bait Yune, Hrid or Sigrun will run over and Rally her. Azura will then warp next to them and dance them

    Literally any Rally works as long as it's not solely a stat their target is already getting buffed with (like Berkut won't ever be the target of Rally Res if his Res Wave is active that turn). The Rally itself isn't the main thing, so don't fret over which one you're using, it's really about getting the teammate to zip over, get danced, and then catch the opponent off guard.

    Other ideas:

    • YUNE: Her A skill could be swapped out for something like Fury or whatever if you have any to spare, which helps her B and C skills as well as her offense.
    • AZURA: Give her any Fortress skill for her A slot (like even Fortress Def 2 from 3* Seth is fine). You want her to have less offensive power, because if she can deal enough damage, she'll attack instead of dance. You can also swap out her B skill for something like WoM or whatever. Earth or Water Dance 3 are also great choices for B or seal (probably seal) since they make her dances give +5 to all stats (great for the cavalry since they aren't currently buffed)
    • SIGRUN: Change her special to something like Moonbow, Glimmer, or Bonfire. Her Atk is too low to get much from Draconic Aura. Giving her Iote's Shield seal is not a bad idea too, since some people might try to pick her off with an archer.
    • GUNNTHRA: Give her a more supportive C skill like Ward Cavalry. Ploys are not going to work very often due to your enemies getting major Res boosts from Eir. You can also give her a more offensive A skill like Deathblow, Darting Blow, or Fury. Her seal is fine but Darting Blow or a raw Atk or Spd boost would be worth thinking about too.
    • BERKUT: Give him a different B skill, perhaps Swordbreaker to deal with Eliwoods. He probably won't need the Warding Stance seal either, could use the QR seal if you want, which would help against a lot of foes.
    • Use the Dark Shrine. Since half of your team depends on debuffs, going all in with structures that contribute to that is one of the best things you can do.
    • Healing Tower could go where Bolt Tower is currently, I suppose. Alternatively, consider using the Dark Shrine or Panic Manor instead, for extra debuffing potential, both of which would be better in different locations entirely.
    • Bolt Tower is hard to use in Light Season since Eir will usually heal up that damage. Still worth keeping, though, but at the very least, I'd suggest maybe swapping it's location with the Cavalry School so it reaches further south (the schools have unlimited vertical range, but the Bolt Tower only hits 3 spaces up/down)
    • Move the Flower Bed someplace else, it currently allows players to safely bait Gunnthra while Hrid can't get past it. I'd suggest putting it just below where the Aether Pot is currently.
    • Move the Aether Pot as well, you'll want that space open for Yune if the Rally trap works. Could probably put it where the Fake Heavy Trap is, which could itself be moved up to next to the Bright Shrine

    If you need me to, I can whip up a visual of how this layout would look.

  12. @Anacybele I'd say move Hrid down one space and put Gunnthra in the top right corner. This prevents Gunnthra from being lured out my herself, and most attempts to bait Hrid would require baiting Gunnthra as well.

    I have to head out so I can't analyze it further, but I think using a Rally in there somewhere could be a very clever way of catching people off guard when they try to bait certain units (Rallier moves in to Rally the baited unit, Azura dances the Rallier, the Rallier now has super buffs and can attack the enemy).

  13. 3 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

    Yeah, my current setup also has a couple archers and they deal with her, L!Azura, other flying dancers, and the occasional B!Fjorm pretty well~ I've played your map and been caught off guard by your Takumi, too, I really like the idea you have with it~

    Thanks! He's the unsung hero of AR defense and I'm surprised that nobody uses him.

    3 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

    Springwater seems like a good map to use it on, too~ I'll test the  team for a week and see how it goes. It's not perfect since I didn't give Panic to the Healers, but I added Veronica so she should be decent enough just to experiment~ I have wanted to build a Nanna, may use her for something like this~

    The issue with Springwater is that the ponds on the sides give the player two places to hide, unlike the Desert's one space. It made enough sense to me to use back then since I only had 4 units anyway, and it was before Eir and Legendary Azura so few players could risk flying over the ponds. I used to figure Springwater's best use would have been a map like that, but lately I've seen some good ones that use a more typical setup (like with pre-nerf Abandoned Castle) and rely on the water to make the approach more difficult.

  14. 53 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

    I shamefully admit I also hadn't really made the connection to do that until Akariss mentioned it, but conveniently, my whole Anima team besides one unit attacks Res, and 4/6 of my Dark team attacks Def so other players hopefully can be under the impression that I'm not a total flop

    Once Eir was added, my logic was to build defense teams around targeting her since she's the one constant. This means archers, and finding ways to get them into a position where those Eirs are either sniped or cornered. Most people are fond of Brave Lyn cuz hey, cavalry range, but I've been using Takumi (and sometimes Legendary Lyn) for months now and he's incredibly reliable due to Fujin Yumi expanding his movement dramatically, especially on a tree map.

    53 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

    I thought to try a version of this setup myself just to see how it works. Problem is I have nothing for Gunnthra's spot.I did consider my HS!Elise and Broadleaf Fan combined with the Panic does sound like a really good idea that I hadn't really thought about.

    I don't have pictures of it, but I came up with the same kind of map like back in November or December, but with fewer units because of the lower tier, I tried it on Springwater. My units were nowhere near as optimized either and the structures were much weaker back then, so it went pretty poorly. I do think it's possible to make it work with a much lower investment than some of the other big meta Defenses though (like the Pulse setups).

  15. 2 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

    The team is pretty much designed to be heavy on Magic/Physical Damage depending on which Season it is (Magic on Anima, Physical on Dark) so that Eir and Naga's boosts are largely useless~ It's a really clever set-up in that way~

    Unless there are a bunch of Firesweep Lyns, I'm not super worried about it. It's kinda surprising how many people still stick to using Res-targetting Def teams in Light season after all these months.

  16. 4 minutes ago, Hilda said:

    The problem isnt surviving only the 1. Round on this map. Its also killing the units on the following turns. If 4/5 of your units are paniced even if they survived Turn 1. They Probably cant kill shit with -5 & -6 to Attack and SPD (-11 combined). not to mention Def and Res. Most Teams run some form of Tactic buffs. and 2 of your units are most likely gonne be hit with -11 to atk/spd and -11 to def/res. Thats kinda huge. not to mention a 3. unit will be hit by Gunnthras debuff too. This will only get worse during dark/light season when Duma is replaced by Yune.

    Oh yeah most people are probably in trouble against something like this, no doubt. It's going to require a lot of people to rethink their setups. Panic (particularly on cavalry healers) has been growing in popularity late, so even without these map layouts, not having flexibility with your buffs can be a bit dangerous.

    You know, I'd actually prefer to face that team in Light/Dark season since it's mostly magic damage against a Res boost, they'd have 3 less Atk, Eir tanks healers without issue, and she can heal the Savage Blow damage. The Spd boost could make it harder to kill some of them, but a TA Raventome with QR would still have no issue against anything that can be countered. I'm also a big Hrid fan so Spd is usually not an issue for me.

  17. 29 minutes ago, Zeo said:

    Matt's refine disappoints me. Something to increase his bulk or help him deal with magic/dragons (the real issue for him) would have been huge. A blade tome effect on debuffed enemies means he has to attack his target (dragons? magic? DC? lolno) in order to get the bonus damage or run a Chill Skill which means he misses out on premium skills like Mystic Boost, Special Spiral, etc.

    I didn't think they knew what to do with him. Turns out I was right.

    I dunno if you have experience with Gunnthra, but she's a real powerhouse when you get those debuffs on someone. It might not seem like the most useful refine now, but play with it, and you might find that high offense/low defense units become much more manageable, especially if you're using Chills and stuff on his teammates (Aversa, Gunnthra, Hrid, anybody with Chills or even bonus units hanging back with Chill seals). Just think of how often you encounter a high Atk/Spd mage with juuust enough HP/Def that he gets countered and needs to double them.

  18. 2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:


    And it really doesn't help that there are only 4 of them in the 4-star-and-lower pool and all 4 of them have pretty much the exact same stat spread. It's actually kind of scary just how similar they are if you ignore their personal weapons.

    It stills blows my mind that they even gave them all personal weapons, let alone that the one I cared most about turned out to be absolutely phenomenal for how I play. That said, as characters, I think they're all charming enough, and charm is generally what drives me to +10 anyone

  19. 1 minute ago, Humanoid said:

    I have useful ones of course, but none heavily merged. I have an unmerged Ares; Chrom, Roy, Sigurd and Eldigan at +1; and Xander at +2 who share the work of the red slot between them. My unmerged Luke and Eliwood are unemployed, though if I could spare the dew I reckon I'd merge the Eliwood into a 4*+10.

    So, none of the 3-4* ones really click with you, and any 5* ones you might want are, well, not exactly easy to get more of, right? If so, I think most of us can relate to that regarding many unit categories

  20. 15 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

    Yeah, I have a 4*+10 Frederick with a Slaying Axe at the moment. He works well, but now that it's clear that everyone is going to get a Prf, I'm loathe to invest in any given unit until they've received theirs because it's unclear in which direction their Prf will push them. But yes, he's certainly a candidate once that happens, now that Titania sadly can't fill that centre-stage role. And the only other attainable option is Gunter, it's insane to me how limited the choices are. Oh well, at least I have Cecilia fully merged so an cavalry axe isn't absolutely essential, though still very desirable.

    I don't have any cavalry swords merged beyond +1 either mind you. Ares' stubbornness prevents that: he's only appeared three times for me, ever. I suspect that for the next month or two I'll just be creating a bunch of +1 units while waiting for my next realistic +10 project to turn up. There's simply no one there screaming "pick me" just yet once availablility is actually accounted for.

    EDIT: Looking at the latest refines right now, I think I might build a 4*+10 Roderick with his Prf next, I can do it with only a 20k feather net investment. I actually have a couple dozen dozen  4*+9 or +10 units waiting for a final merge with a good weapon to transform them from benchwarmers into super-subs. What's stopping me isn't the feathers, but the dew. Need to be mindful of that and pick units where their unrefined Prf is clearly superior to their generic weapon option, as is clearly the case with Roderick.

    Yeah, it's weird that axe cav (or all green cavs) are just so limited. I do happen to have a 4+10 Gunter with a Brave Axe+ (the game gave me a lot of Camilla pitybreakers back in the day), and he's basically just there for AA every now and then. Surprised you don't have sword cavs, or maybe I just assume everyone has one built up for some reason.

    Funny you mention Roderick because his refine helped me settle on his asset just now:


    He's also got a Slaying Lance+ and Brave Lance+ so I can be pretty flexible with his skills.

  21. 14 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Maribelle is the only unit you can safely bait with "any old unit". Brave Lyn, Reinhardt, and Gunnthra are not trivial to "take a hit" from. Veronica is not safe to tank unless your other tanks don't mind being hit with Panic and 14 damage. Not baiting Lyn and Reinhardt on the first turn means you have a Lyn and/or Reinhardt still running around capable of sniping your other units since the map is a literal shooting gallery.

    There are a lot of things at play on this map and they aren't so trivial to deal with that a single unit is a sufficient solution.

    Gosh, ya know, it's almost like I never said anything about trivializing the map with a single unit

  22. 1 minute ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Having Robin as one of your team members doesn't matter if you can't tank at least 2 other units. You can't just ignore that part of the map when suggesting strategies because that's the map's entire gimmick and the entire reason the map is difficult. Most players' tank teams only carry a single tank, not two or three.

    It's definitely possible to get it down to only having one unit hit the rest of the team, and most of those units aren't even that dangerous alone. I'll grant that it's harder in Anima season when you don't have Eir and they're all getting an Atk boost, but it's kind of a player's own fault if 4/5 units on all 5 of their teams can't take a hit.

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