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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Pokémon is on gen 7. I feel the same way too. I got Echoes as a gift 2 months ago and I'm still in the prologue. Also back to Pokémon, in Ultra Sun I'm still on the first trial and I got the game at launch.
  2. I voted for Sumia, Cynthia, Aversa and Hinoka.
  3. Now the Smash Bros. Miiverse stage is a useless void.
  4. I always liked her since my first playthrough of Awakening. She's my main in Smash Bros. Also: Haruko Haruhara from FLCL and Renka Mikagura from Senran Kagura.
  5. It's like throwing a baseball bat in Smash Bros. Super effective.
  6. Chucking swords sounds like a plan to me. It's like throwing a gun in Smash Bros. Super effective.
  7. Damn, Pokémon games sell so quickly. Already sold 5 of them. The damage has been done. I can use this cash for more games haha.
  8. That's pretty much my game plan. Selling the opposite versions. Use the extra cash to buy different games lol.
  9. No this isn't a thread to post my eBay listings. A little over 2 years ago, I thought it would be cool if I bought every main series Pokémon game which I already accomplished. I even bought both Sun and Moon. Still haven't got Ultra Moon but I do have Ultra Sun and I'm currently playing through that. Anyways, I recently started asking myself why I even own half of these games if I never/rarely play them? I already beat Sapphire, why have Ruby? I already beat HeartGold, why have SoulSilver? (plus that game is worth $50 woohoo). Hell half of my Game Boy Pokémon games don't even hold a save so I might as well sell them to someone and have them replace the batteries. I figured now would be a good time to weed out the games from my collection that I don't play anymore starting with Pokémon. I need the extra space and I'm not hurting for cash but extra money never hurts lol.
  10. Great picks so far. Very pretty games that have been mentioned. I'd also like to give praise to the Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm series for looking like the anime: and Shinobi Striker for looking like the manga:
  11. As someone who never plays FE Heroes, this topic confused me because I thought of Book 2 from Avatar. Confused because that line is said in every episode of every "book."
  12. Gravity Rush 2 is gorgeous! Shout out to Guilty Gear Xrd and Dragon Ball FighterZ for unique cel-shading techniques.
  13. I too killed Gaius not knowing about recruiting enemies. I spent too much time worrying about optimal pairings and skills on my first playthrough on normal/classic.
  14. They already revealed what the final island is. They revealed that the One Piece actually does exist and that it's on the island. The series is taking forever but at least there's some progress?
  15. Word. In all honesty, a Switch would've been a better choice.
  16. Overcooked. Safe family friendly game. Plenty of visual cues to know if you're messing up a dish. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZK7veYPEJQ
  17. latter. I'm gonna be 35 by the time it's done.
  18. 30-40 hours is a good range for me. At least for strictly story stuff. I rarely do side quests in games lol.
  19. Lol thanks for the concern. I've been to J&L (pretty cool but they keep putting their stickers on everything used) and Videogamesnewyork (which is my preferred in-person store). I rarely buy from Gamestop. They just had an alluring Black Friday sale. I almost always buy my games from eBay or use my Prime pre-order discount for Amazon.
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