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Everything posted by Cymbeline

  1. What mind games? :)

  2. If you have to ask, it's become that standard, thus it has been a /very/ long time. :)

  3. I don't think that's what the people want to hear. And I rule over you, not vice versa. DX

  4. You can't. . . even switch to "view all" for mine! I'm not sure how many I have though, I use the "view all" as an indicator of popularity.

  5. Or do I?! x_X

    You have a lot of friends. Mr. Popular. . .

  6. As always, with you, It takes me forever to get a response. ;_; Even though it's not intended on your part!

  7. Good, good! Respond to my hi on msn!

  8. Oh hey, Night! How have you been? *signs in* x.x

  9. Personally. . . I think something like this. . . the red line: Your mileage may vary though! ^^;
  10. His left shoulder is too large. Move it to the right a bit. Also, there are two different (FE7 and FE8) brown skin shades around his nose. It looks like you're using FE7 colors, so change the FE8 shades to FE7. It looks like a pretty clean splice to me, and I like his design and colors as well. :) Keep up the good work!
  11. His head is not in angle with the body. His head is also too small for the armor, and the shading on the skin around his bangs needs to be fixed. I think a change of armor would be best. It's improved, but there are still problems. Such as her right (our left) eye being tilted (the bottom part of her eye is angled). . . when her right eye isn't. Her right (our left) breast also looks off, but she could maybe have a large chest. Anyway, here are a few other problems I noticed: Yellow boxes: Hair shading needs to be fixed. Referencing some FE mugs will help. Wine(ish) box: Shading is awkward around the neck and collarbone. Pink box: Nose is wrong. I'm not sure if you're going for a front view or if her head is turned. . . So, if front view: fix the bottom part of the nose and reference FE6 Anna's mug to see how the nose should be at that angle. If it's a side view, you might want to reference Lyn's semi-forward gaze mug but also fix the eye to show that it is a (somewhat) side view. Red lines: Where I think the neck and the shoulder should be (your mileage may vary. . . probably). Better. However, the shading around the bangs needs to be fixed and also where the neck meets the collar.
  12. DX Sorry, I'm semi-busy! I remember the conversation going like this:

    You: Hi

    Me: Hi. (Then a second later) What's up?

    Then it ended. D:

  13. I go on msn a lot! I replied to you last night! But you didn't reply back.

  14. I'm not dead, just invisible. DX (No really, I've been lurking a lot lately).

  15. Happy birthday.

  16. Happy birthday!

  17. Heyyyyy Knifey, you hit the big 1-9! ;D Welcome to the club.

  18. So you made that Chester mug (I love it, by the way). XD Very nice mugs, especially the shopkeepers (and Chester). "Anna" looks cute as well. Also, your mugs look very clean to me!
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