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Everything posted by WyvernLord

  1. oooh boy Q&A. i've already full spoiled myself so only dumb questions from me 1: Cay-da, Kai-da, Shee-da or See-da. Which one is correct and which is the best? 2: Whats the worst character from each of the 3 games that they could put in? 3: is the game lacking short haired redheads? trick question, the answer is yes 4: Who is the best pegasus in the game and why is it Caeda? 5: Who is your fave Dark mage boss character out of the 3 ingame?
  2. Highly controversial opinion time: I'm ok with them just sticking to the 3 main games and improving the roster with people from those 3 games. Now if only the base roster wasn't so meh... ---- Lyn and Celica is 100% conclusive proof that Intsys had too much influence/ KT didn't have enough guts to stick to their guns. Don't use characters from the games, just slap on easy money makers in a weak attempt to sell more copies
  3. You guys know that just because he's left handed doesn't mean you can't copy the move set. You change the character model and slightly alter animations
  4. I think Intsys expected an earlier FEW release. So they threw Celica in there to sell a few more copies of SoV
  5. I think both ways are perfectly reasonable ways to act in such a situation I don't think The generals that came up with those types of plans were treated as villains by their countries.
  6. You seem really hung up on this and I don't understand why Is it the fact that they used fire ships? because those are real weapons that have been used in that exact way for thousands of years Is it that they don't seem to care that much about the enemy they just set alight? Because dying by being impaled by spears, having your skull obliterated by a hammer, having your internal organs fall out because a sword slashed your stomach, being electrocuted/burned/sliced open by magic and being incinerated/frozen by breath weapons are also incredibly horrible ways to die and they don't react to that at all (in any game in this series)
  7. To all those people who quoted me. I didn't read the article. All i saw was rider and archer confirmed I'm a dummy just ignore that post I made
  8. So what are the chances this is Leo and Takumi? 2 very popular characters who represent both units hinted at EDIT: WRONG
  9. I'll do it in decreasing order of want. Doubt many of these guys will be in tho Shadow dragon / New Mystery Hardin=Naga(I)*=Minerva=Caeda=Jeigan>Medeus>Gotoh>Bantu>Cain=Abel>Katarina>Draug>Gordin>Xane>Jake>Gharnef Awakening Adult tiki** = Virion>Basilio>Flavia>Sumia>Gangrel>Walhart>Say'ri Fates Felicia=Flora=Reina>Boots>Benny>Iago> Gunther *Just so we can get some character outta her and a mother and daughter convo ** For the awkward "Mar-Mar" conversation
  10. Depends on what they do with it. There have been plenty of examples where it just isn't all that effective however. The pitiably small effect is part of why in GBA and Tellius you can pretty much solo the games with a hand axe/javelin user despite there being many "disadvantaged" WTA matchups. The series could really stand to build on or buff the bonuses that the DS and Fates games had for WTA. Helps give every weapon a proper niche and somewhat stops your Flying lance/ axe just soloing the game if they cant hit something. If they insist on +10 hit/avoid only, they might as well just drop the system EDIT: WTA has never made axes suck btw
  11. Just gonna keep it quick and simple - Not a Fan of FE7&8. Both being rather meh to play and their characterisation being not strong enough to keep my interest - While Kris isn't great he doesn't make FE12 an "Abomination" or terrible game - I kinda really liked Awakenings cheese-factor, and while not every game should follow that kinda feel I'd like it once in a while - I still dunno why people are angry or disgusted over Awakening chapter 14. Fire boats are super real and have been used in that way since forever - Marth is the best lord - [Obligatory comment about how Ike and Ephraim are overrated] - 4 is terrible but 5 is great - #TMS is great and Warriors will probs also be really good
  12. I've seen Merrics name being thrown around as a potential candidate but what about Gotoh instead? Gotoh has plot relevance as an advantage over Merric and fills a design niche that most likely wont be covered otherwise (Old wise sage)
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