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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. **Updates!: Bug fixed.** Isolate Posts by User 1.0.9 → 1.1.0 Bug fixed: URLs with hashes (and possibly other characters) in them broke due to not URI encoding them before insertion. They are now URI encoded from the start to avoid errors.
  2. Nominations: 7: Refa 3: General Horace 2: Integrity 2: OldMan 2: Euklyd 1: Rehab 1: Loki Laufeyson 1: dondon151 1: PKLucas
  3. Hey, wait until I say you can nominate! ... You can nominate now. p.s. I'll count those.
  4. 6. You and three other SF members are sucked into a fantasy RPG world. What role does each of you play in the story and what does each person specialize in?
  5. "In 2008, what's now Casa Diablo was a vegan restaurant called Pirate's Tavern. Johnny Diablo, the proprietor, told me he was stunned how difficult it is to get people to eat tofu even in vegan-friendly Portland. So he had an idea: "I built a stage, I brought in some dancers." Pirate's Tavern became Casa Diablo, combining vegan food with naked women. Fortunately for Johnny, Oregon has some of the country's loosest regulations on strip clubs. In most states, municipalities have the power to limit where strip clubs can operate and what kind of shows they can offer. But in Oregon, you can open a strip club in most any commercially zoned location, featuring most any kind of show. Or you can take your existing restaurant, install a stage, and start having women take their clothes off."
  6. We did the same thing in GURPS. The only option is to live on the run.
  7. Decided to test in on someone else's PC? Hahaha.
  8. Already watched Breaking Bad. It's great. Don't mean anime.
  9. I need a new show to watch... Any ideas?
  10. Town managed to force the cop to claim Day 2. Good going, Town.
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