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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. It is very hard to tell the difference between reasons for not thinking about something. Sorry I jumped the gun. I wasn't going to be convinced by anything but a better case on someone else, unfortunately. Bad luck to be going against Jamie in that scenario. I think Eury death would have led to the same end, killing you today instead.
  2. Oooooof. Well played Jamie! I think we always lost that one there. Sorry FEF. For what it's worth, I thought you were a good actor, but got put in a bad spot by lack of experience. You can gain an immediate advantage with one thing. Learn the value of different roles. Consider the different cases. Is the role useful even if the targets are chosen at random? Hint: The most powerful roles are good even when used poorly. For seems-good-but-actually-hard-to-use: Things like doctors only impact the game mechanically when they are good at choosing their target. You can impact who gets killed at night by claiming to be a doc, but your chance to actually save someone is low. Even if you do save them, you may have saved mafia. For absolutely-broken-power: With investigations that reveal alignment, you can clear someone the mafia want to push for the vote elimination, or find the Mafia outright. No matter what result you get, or how good your choice is, it makes the game much harder for mafia by boxing them in. In the middle are normal investigations. Watcher is super powerful similar to cop, but not as good, and Tracker is weaker than Watcher, but still very good. Vigilante is swingy, because it can both help and hurt the town depending on the choices. Roleblock is also swingy, same reason, as we saw this game. When considering the value of a role, think about the best case and the worst case. You should always assume the worst case unless you can soundly eliminate it. Then you should assume the next worst case. The best role is the one that is the best even if you mess up. Great game everyone. This was pretty impressive for having a lot of newbies IMO.
  3. I'm back to Eury. I could go back and forth between Jamie and Shinori, but Jamie looks better over time. If I'm not mistaken, we will be in a final 3 tomorrow, unless the kill fails. No kill makes no sense, but it is what it is. My primary concern will be @Eurykins writing a game winning case. If you don't have the final scum, and a way to change my mind, I will be voting you. Eury should vote first tomorrow in spite of our deal @Shinori. Then you. Then Jamie. If I'm alive, I'm assuming that I'll go last. But if it is Eury, they cannot win against me while voting first, so I could die instead of Jamie. I'm pretty sure it's not Jamie even if they survive. If Jamie dies, Shinori is still not in the clear. If Eury dies, we reexamine the universe. Shinori makes the most sense in that world. Universal block on all but scum. Confirmed the block hit two other players, at least one of which was town, but the kill succeeded. The most likely situation mechanically is that Shinori carried out the kill and relied on rolemadness speculation to save them. If I don't see you... Good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight!
  4. Automated Votecount Fire Emblem Fan (3): Eurykins (15), Shinori (57), Makaze (20) Eurykins (1): Fire Emblem Fan (20) Not voting (1): JamieIsBored (7)
  5. A perspective slip is where you give away what information you have available by assuming you couldn't without that info. You did this first when you didn't copy DF N1, and you did it again just now when you suggested the doc instead of DF again. This undervaluing of a fullcop is something that could only happen when you don't see it as helping you win. ##Vote @Fire Emblem Fan
  6. What strategy do you recommend as your legacy?
  7. Let me know if we want to hammer
  8. FEF, then Eury. I think we've got it.
  9. I'm more worried about the things you wouldn't do as town. Muddying waters with meaningless role spec is something I'd hope you wouldn't do as town. Regardless, it depends on FEF flip.
  10. I don't work off of what people would do. WIFOM is a genre. Only things that directly impact win condition, like death of allies, matters. That said, I think FEF coming in and answering the mechanics questions is the only thing missing here.
  11. You should know none of that matters. Bring me a pelt.
  12. I still place Eury way before Shinori atm, but Shinori is playing a very weird character. Constantly talking about how antitown their role is, making nonsense assumptions about the abilities Ellie must have had without any reasoning. I expect town Shinori to be smarter than this.
  13. Okay, Jamie is town. Probably dies tonight. If FEF is town, my reads will change. I also have suspicions about Shinori. There is too much reliance on role tin foils for comfort.
  14. FEF both hasn't used their action yet (word choice implies didn't try) and failed last night?
  15. @Fire Emblem Fan Source? Does this mean that they can't use it at all because they failed or do they get at another attempt?
  16. Ellie does not have this information. Ellie made this up completely. This is the most logical scenario. Yes this is 100% something Ellie would make up out of nowhere with no basis that there is even a role in the game that can do this. FEF's role is not a backup.
  17. @Fire Emblem Fan At what time of the phase are you able to use your copying action, and are you able to use the role that you copied the same phase that you copied it?
  18. Attached some highlighted screenshots. Multiple times you made it very clear that you did not have any issue with Ichigo yourself. I feel a lot better about your posting today but there's still a possibility that it's all performative. With that said the way that you specifically mentioned the 1v1 and it played well with the role you claimed makes sense.
  19. I am sheeping Shinori on Eury and feel a lot better about Eury's posting today. I have one big, huge doubt here. How did Elie know this information? Trolling you is 100% an Elie move. This still makes FEF look horrible, though. Waiting for Jamie.
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