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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. Rebecca-134 Briggid-4 Kleine-48 Louise-40 Jamuka-28 Holmes-35
  2. I meant the forum itself. I should have specified; sorry. That would be very strange for me, so no. Not remotely. What do you want most in this world?
  3. That hit home. You know me too well already. Nothing.
  4. Here you go. My hobbies are very wide ranging. I love games, books and films of many kinds. I spend most of my time on forums or other means of speaking to people, though, so conversing would be my main hobby. Ah, wait. I have to ask you something... Where do you wish to be buried?
  5. Confront the Past from Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones Original Soundtrack
  6. Why don't you set your avatar's background to transparent? I could do it for you.
  7. Vika? It appears so, taking your profile into account...
  8. Hopefully these are in some kind of order, but I doubt it. I do not make tags often (one every other month, if that), but I might as well post them anyway. Old ones (from the past three years or more): Old? Not sure; unfinished: yoshi71089's requests: JGatby's requests: Archshot's requests: evilcheeser's request: Newest: Other avatars: SOTW/WSAC Entries: This is the one that I ended up entering, as a result of unanimous voting... ~ And for #142, for which the theme was 'Tokyo Anime/Manga Ban'. Current: It should also be noted that I am a GIMP user. Because of this I have very little to no experience with Photoshop, and I do not have it installed, so some of your critiques and suggestions may not get through to me. Sorry...
  9. I would be in my first year of college right now, but... I have no money, and degrees are inflating like money is. They no longer single you out as specifically qualified. They are almost worthless now. I am disappointed.
  10. Ah, I posted this in the wrong section before. Sorry.
  11. Oh, don't be silly. I don't keep my porn on my hard drive. My mind. It is melting. Please simply it for my simple mind. What exactly do I do on my turn, or do we take turns, or what? I would like to see some kind of simulation round. Sorry if it was on there and I missed it. I can tell that I am going to like you already. Thanks, you and everyone else for the welcome. I hope to enjoy myself; rr, rather, enjoy you; on my stay here. Let's hope that it is indefinite, unlike the others.
  12. Drafts? What is this draft that you speak of?
  13. Hello guys. I am not really sure what you can offer me, but I figured that I should join another Fire Emblem board eventually since my old ones shut down a long time ago. So, then, let's have some fun...
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