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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. Then why are they in VNs and anime? Why?
  2. I made a typo. I meant 'things' in general.
  3. Who watches things while they air anymore? It isn't worth it.
  4. I like: Your username. I dislike: Your lack of a favourite game and your avatar.
  5. Yanderes don't make sense to me. Why do people enjoy them?
  6. Actually I was not. She vants ze money.
  7. Excellent choice. I prefer five.
  8. Has to be Joshua. He and I are alike in a few ways and I love his style. Yours?
  9. Is confused about the meaning of fact.
  10. If it's half as brilliant as you make it sound, I'd like to read it.
  11. I know. But it's still disappointing when you see someone change for the worse.
  12. Even the best people become hypocrites when you hand them a big stick.
  13. I found out that someone who feels similar to me about authority told his moderators that they were no longer members when they became moderators. He instituted classism. I had hope for him as an admin, too.
  14. There are none who are not corrupted when given authority. One never ceases to be disappointed.
  15. What gets me about region locking is that it is applied to games that will be released in only one country. There are many games that will be released only in one country due to the cost of exporting, and if you want to play them then you are out of luck. I shouldn't have to jump through hoops to play something that I am willing to pay for.
  16. I'm hoping that it does not have major failings (like Shadow Dragon and its reclassing).
  17. I don't know how you guys can play games without patches.
  18. Good list. I like those words too.
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