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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. Why not what? A sprained wrist. What is your favourite thing about this forum?
  2. I tend to respond to everything. Is that a bad habit?
  3. They muted me in the IRC channel. So much for being relaxed.
  4. We share a favourite FE. But your love for dead things will come between us. I'm sorry.
  5. I think you mean FF8. I had a dream like that too. I was following someone in their dream, spying on them. I wish I had gone lucid.
  6. It isn't showing the quote for me.
  7. It said you quoted me in this post. How strange.
  8. It doesn't help. I'd like to have a clearly defined and well-knit group to do it with. No trolls or stragglers. Men who can be trusted.
  9. This thread. It involved a live stream of the game and collaborative play.
  10. I wish we had finished that Team Tactics prototype run. It had a lot of potential.
  11. All of these people I need to get to know...
  12. You're right. I missed step 3. How could I miss that after all of this time? I fixed it. Thanks. I'm glad I asked you.
  13. It was more funny when I thought you were serious.
  14. What would Chane think of you?
  15. Fire Emblem, Ace Attorney, and Kingdom Hearts. (Not my favourites games, but my favourite series overall.) Yours?
  16. I'll keep an eye out. Mhm. I'm glad you recognized her.
  17. So you would put four before three? I suppose it does not matter which other they come in, but I'd like to hear your reasoning.
  18. Films, but meh. It doesn't matter now.

  19. Does it get the job done?
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