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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. You... You... Good job. Karma has a sense of humour.
  2. But this guy was at your house and stole your icing?
  3. How interesting. Did you know a murderer, or one of his victims?
  4. If I asked you to go out with me, would the answer to that question be the same as the answer to this question?
  5. Ahahaha. Are we supposed to post our own pick-ups on this necro, or what...?
  6. I agree wholeheartedly. Before that it was the PS1.
  7. Me either. I do it on every board I join though, so it's no surprise here.
  8. I think that sometimes too. I can do whatever comes to mind in my dreams and I am never scared in them, and when I do notice I am dreaming, I think, "Controlling can wait, I'll see what happens first." And then I lose the will to control completely. I might be half-lucid all of the time in my dreams.
  9. I edited my post just before you replied to it since I realized it wasn't that strange, but it makes me laugh in retrospect too. I want to understand myself and gain control of my dreams.
  10. My lover said it was okay, so here you go...
  11. This one involved a real person and ended disappointingly.
  12. Impale thyself upon mine lance, dear lass.
  13. Of the sexual nature. I agree about cold. A cool evening is better than a warm evening.
  14. I remembered my dream last night.
  15. This survey will lie because little kids will lie about their ages, in my opinion. Isn't there supposed to be a thirteen-and-up rule anyway?
  16. I don't watch any sitcoms, but definitely Seinfeld from the episodes I have seen. Favourite story-driven television series?
  17. I think one of the reasons for it is their lack of separate subfolders for users. All of the images are posted directly to the root domain. If the filenames were user-specified then the first person to upload a file named smile.png would have that URL forever and everyone else's URLs would become smile-1.png, smile-2.png and so on. Photobucket already does this if a user uploads two files with the same name in their own folders. They would have to completely restructure their service to allow users custom URLs.
  18. It renames the file in the URL, yes, but if you make an account it keeps track of your uploads. Also it uses the filename as the name of the picture itself so you can search the name of the file on Minus and it will come up.
  19. I found the true source on Pixiv: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=31996112 What are the reasons for all of the colour edits in your version again? There are quite a few.
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