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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. I've had a lot of practice. If you can avoid putting them on the defensive then you can at least get them to relax their gnosticism. Speaking for others? That I did. Sorry, that was bad. If you meant about him: The only thing I said about him was that his attitude led him to bullying people into shutting up. Based on: "the best I can do is make him afraid to vomit his dumb fucking opinions all over the place."
  2. Darn, I expected more philosophising. Well done.
  3. It's not you I'm worried about, that was a bad way to put it. You make the rest of us look bad. Your attitude is pretty much explicitly 'bully him into shutting up'. You're the type of person who gives him a reason to say, 'My religious views are persecuted!' You might not give a shit, but it makes it a lot harder for other people to be rational with him because he will always think back to the times you bullied him and dismiss us as if we are doing the same thing as you. Don't create a hopeless situation for everyone because you see one yourself.
  4. Did I come to the wrong place? My bad. If I clone myself before I die, do I live on?
  5. Math is axiomatic, this I know Because logic tells me so Have fun. JavaScript is my favourite language. You'll be so happy when you get to jQuery.
  6. Which languages for the Web Dev course?
  7. I think that you should only do things that help you get what you want. Go straight for the throat. I'm a stickler for efficiency, though. Who am I to knock on someone arguing for their own satisfaction?
  8. DE, you are only making yourself look bad. If you cannot discuss the subject without getting riled, you probably shouldn't discuss it. Your swearing and insults will only help him justify his victim complex.
  9. Then I don't see how you couldn't get pulled in.
  10. Easily the best show to have aired in decades. If you catch up and still don't see the appeal then I'll accept your lulz, but... I mean, god damn. /inarticulate fangirling
  11. Exhibit A: Exhibit B: There is a direct contradiction between these two posts. One of the posts asserts that you can discern the truth, or have learned something through either logic or observation. The other states that the first statement is an opinion and is not a statement of learned knowledge. Learned knowledge is differentiated from an opinion by the fact that learning comes from observation, while opinions are developed as internal values. For example, a preference is an opinion. Things that you know but others do not are not considered opinions. If you were in a court room and told me what happened inside, I would not be able to discount your account based on it being an opinion because you have knowledge that I do not have. If you told me that it went well, that would be an opinion that I could challenge, but the technical account of what happened would not be. When you assert that you have knowledge and mean an opinion, particularly a very controversial piece of knowledge, you are either a) too incompetent to realize the potential backfire of asserting opinion as knowledge or b) trying to set people off intentionally. That contradiction is why you got called a moron.
  12. I doubt you know me well enough to give one, but it's worth a shot.
  13. Were you studying literature specifically, or literary devices? English classes teach you about the language. Literature classes teach you about works in the language and the art of writing throughout history.
  14. Doesn't it do that to everyone?
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