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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. You could at least avoid using the same one twice. Has low standards.
  2. Did not look into the music in question. Thanks, Wahrheit.
  3. Are they working on any full length albums? They would know.
  4. Has some good taste. I looked it up. Let your darker side come out to feed
  5. Will misunderstand everyone, in time.
  6. Hungry... I wonder if we have any snacks.
  7. Don't do it, it's not worth the withdrawal or your lungs. Well my great grand-dad he died of cancer, from smoking too many cigarettes. But I must confess that he did quite profess to being the coolest motherfucker I ever met. Thats 'cause smoking makes you cool, and smoking makes you rule. So just light up a smoke and you'll never go broke and you'll be the most popular kid in school. The coolest kid in school. Well I've traveled millions of Marlboro miles, but I haven't gotten anywhere. And I've made a million dollars in Camel cash, but I'm still just broke as when I started. But that's okay because smoking makes you cool, and smoking makes you rule. So just light up a smoke and you'll never go broke and you'll be the most popular kid in school- but only if you smoke Parliament.
  8. Niiiice. They did a good job on the lyrics.
  9. I know, right? I've always hated smoke, ever since I was a kid. Why would you do that to yourself?
  10. How can you validate your own position without proving it? If what you say is true, then fireemblemfan4ever's result is just as valid as yours and mine. If the way you get where you are not does matter, then any conclusion is just as valid as another. There is no inherently better conclusion. You were just arguing for the scientific method in the discussion thread, so I assume you understand where I am coming from. Science is not a collection of assertions and conclusions; it is the method that caused people to arrive at them. If you take away the method, then it does become like a religion. Remember the harsh persecution and bullying that Galileo faced when he said that the sun was at the center of the solar system? The method he used to arrive at his conclusion was paramount. Without his method, the conclusion would be worthless, and the bullies would be justified in persecuting him. If he had succumbed to the bullying of the so-called intellectuals and scientists of his day, we could be using hundreds of formulas to explain why everything is so convoluted in relation to the earth. History has shown that it was in the best interests of both the bullies and Galileo to consider the method rather than to stick with their previously accumulated knowledge. It is extremely important to carefully consider every claim and refute it logically, for one's own sake as well for the sake of the one who makes it. You, as the bully, could be wrong. Despite how much sense your worldview makes to you, the method could still prove you wrong given more evidence. You need to address that consideration just as much as you address your anger at the other person's incompetence. That devil's advocacy is what makes you more rational than those with faith. Disregarding the value of the method is not far from self-righteousness, and from there faith in a particular model. It only takes one step away from the method to become the type of person who tells others that they are wrong with no basis other what they have already learned. When you start appealing to knowledge (conclusion) instead of reason (method), you are already on the same level as a religious zealot. I want to avoid that level of arrogance at all costs. I will never be so sure that I am right that convincing others justifies intellectually dishonest practices.
  11. I take offense, I am not that old.
  12. You're right. It's not as good as "Maybe" though.
  13. May they save you many headaches. List of fallacies List of cognitive biases List of memory biases List of paradoxes List of common misconceptions List of misconceptions about illegal drugs
  14. That's true, there are other factors.
  15. What would you call being androgynous? I've been mistaken for the other gender even more online than in real life.
  16. Yeah. I think she means that I can pass myself off for either based on the way I carry myself.
  17. Not telling~ Also my lover said I wasn't very androgynous physically, but that I am personality-wise. Conflicting reports. (I just asked her.)
  18. Oh. Because my face doesn't make it very obvious.
  19. I see what you mean. Why is what?
  20. I don't consider David Bowie that androgynous, personally. I get mistaken for the wrong sex something like 1/10 of the time, but that go up to 7/10 if I act differently.
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