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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. I fangirl over Fire Emblem and various anime.
  2. Your response "?" is invalid. You must answer YES or NO; AFFIRMATIVE or NEGATIVE. Submitting a query in reply to a query is not the same as answering a query. Answers must be definitive.
  3. I meant the second one, but the first one works as well. "If you superimposed your response onto the other, would they be identical (overlap exactly)?" Or "Are the answers in agreement with each other?" It gets around the 'different answers' problem.
  4. It would a double lie. Everything in this thread is taken to be false by default. My false statement ran contrary to that expectation. My deceit is without peer! Is in fact older than I am.
  5. con·gru·ent adjective /kənˈgro͞oənt/  /ˈkäNGgro͞oənt/  In agreement or harmony - institutional and departmental objectives are largely congruent - the rules may not be congruent with the requirements of the law [*](of figures) Identical in form; coinciding exactly when superimposed
  6. In the User Awards on another forum last year, I was voted Most Likely to Be a Villain.
  7. It worked. My router was having a fit, that's why I couldn't see it before.
  8. Fine. If I asked you to go out with me, would your state of agreement to that question be congruent to your state of agreement to this question?
  9. I can't find those, they went out of production.
  10. It might have something to do with the amount of times you ask what is wrong.
  11. So he was one of the victims after all? That was the first thing I asked, lol.
  12. The PS2 plays games from both, so it is better system for utility.
  13. I meant by the fact that he killed people, and you that close to a murderer.
  14. PC is god tier because of emulation and overall capability. PS2 after that. But between the two I choose PS3.
  15. So you did know him. I've never known a petty murderer, so it interests me how this news affects you.
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