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Everything posted by Makaze

  1. Can you post all of the full role PMs? As it stands it's hard to judge the balance when we don't know what Informed or Jack of All Trades provided.
  2. Tracked SB, he visited Junko. It's a locked game. ##Vote SB
  3. I believe you don't have a power role, at any rate. I am Seth, Town Tracker. I tracked: N1: Yolo (failed) N2: Prims visited no one N3: Yolo visited no one If I don't die tonight, I will track either Proto or SB since they are the most likely scum candidates. I still think Yolo is up there as a candidate and SB has officially been boosted up to lynchable because there are too many clears to exonerate him without a full and credibly claim. If I've got the clears right, here's the list: Junko Manix Prims Clarinets Yoloswag Crysta Faerie Knight SB SB > Crysta / Proto > Yolo
  4. I take it I should watch whatever this is.
  5. Your scumreads yesterday were shamefully bad. I'd like to hear your claim before I make mine.
  6. Too good. Why didn't everyone else vote for Via though? Is today a good day for a mass claim is is that too early?
  7. Okay then. I'll consider SB and FK cleared. I can't really fault you for having that opinion, you're not really wrong. But I like to think that scum!me would at least try to be consistent. This method is too risky and haphazard likely to get me lynched. Especially given that as scum I would not want to out my reads as much in general. I've lost almost all confidence in my own reads because I was wrong about Nova and apparently Clarinets, SB and FK too, meaning I am in fact okay with most lynches outside of SB, FK, Shinori and Strawman. Even my own lynch would give town something to get us out of the lock. The problem with lynching me is that I am too easy to lynch and you won't be able to get ton of info on me when I flip. Which reminds me: Clarinets made a strong point about townreading me throughout D1. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=63122&page=16#entry4349321 Has this read changed, Clarinets? If not, why have you remained silent about the cases on me? If it has, then doubly so?
  8. Thank you for reminding me. I have to apologize for my behavior this game. My head isn't all here and I haven't really been paying much attention since Nova died. I can't trust my cases when something I was so sure about turned out to be wrong. I find myself finding reasons to suspect every player including Clarinets and Prims and lose sight of the big picture. Not saying I'm going to become less jumpy or gain perspective, but I am town and my jumpy reads are coming from a town perspective. Sorry for wasting your time. My overall reads are pretty straightforward, so here's an update (Junko read is new, I hadn't given him much thought before): Strawman - Tone: definitively Town; Content: Null Shinori - Tone: still town!Shinori in my opinion; Content: town!Shinori too Faerie Knight - Tone: Angry; Content: Strongly implying masons, so probably town SB - Tone: not around to have a tone; Content: What content - only reason I'm not policy lynching him is Mason implication Crysta - Tone: has both Town and Mafia tones, but predominately; Content: null Clarinets - Tone: null; Content: Associatively condemning (Nova's case plus actions today) Prims - Tone: Traditional Prims, unreadable; Content: There are some town posts but others are especially cagey. I can't make a decision. Will vote when he stops using half decent reasoning. There's also the claim that he disables a Mafia role on death, which means lynching him could be a good idea for multiple reasons. Plus the Mafia wouldn't want to lynch that role, so whether he is Mafia or town we have something to gain here. Junko - Tone: wafflecone; Content: Growing scummier by the minute Yoloswag - Tone: Scumleaning; Content: Scumleaning (see pretty much every one of his posts) Would lynch: Anyone from Crysta down, in reverse order of priority. Yolo > Junko > Prims > Clarinets (?) > Crysta SB is viable as long as he doesn't show up and clear things up if only to get something real out of FK's double clear. ##Unvote ##Vote Yolo
  9. Oops my quote order got messed up. The "It's L-1, right?" post was right after his Clarinets vote one.
  10. actually no, Crysta's post is dishonest but I can see posting it as town and now that I give Junko a second look one thing catches me eye as odd First he asks for other town game info. Then he stalls on reading it. Then when he actually reads it, he makes a point of saying it isn't conclusive. And finally he unvotes me without getting any conclusive info and no further explanations. Blatant fluffing in my opinion. But that's just to do with me. His behavior regarding hammers doesn't make sense. First be backs off of Clarinets way early to avoid a hammer, then he pushes one in without a second thought. I can't see any reason for this change in such a short period of time.
  11. I couldn't help but notice that FK and Clarinets got prodded but not SB despite his not being around. That makes me think either: a) The hosts forgot he existed, or b) He is being allowed to lurk intentionally (does not make sense for a town mason)
  12. Okay, so it's something in the post... Quote replacement: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=63122&page=34#entry4360743 I don't see a point in defending myself directly to this but I do find this post to have scum intent. In particular I am getting the impression that they were already going to make this post and their question to me about SB was just a buffer to generate interaction before slinging mud at me. i.e. It didn't matter what I said about my change in read for SB, they had already made up their mind to post this and the question was for show.
  13. I can't seem to be post, it's saying I'm being blocked. I'll keep trying...
  14. If they can tell you, then what would be the third choice?
  15. 1) That's good enough for me for now. 2) It's not about what he could do so much as the intent I get from his posts. I consistently imagine them coming from a town and haven't read even one post from him that gives me the impression is not town. My instincts are continually telling me he is town. Long story short wrt Strawman no matter much people try to spin his posts, like the one saying they believe Marth's claim, they read as misguided town. If he is fooling me with such consistency then he must be a great actor. That's it. If you don't get the same strong read then you won't agree with my assessment. There is nothing I can do to make you have the same intuition as me. Currently I have problems with both FK and SB dropping off the map despite multiple questions at them and some part of me thinks they could be miraculously getting away with mason crumbing and coasting while watching town infighting.
  16. Every game I've played on here including a few with you.
  17. Since Manix died, would you please share this info? Every other time I read your ISO I tinfoil about believing in a Prims/Clarinets team. I'd like to know why that is.
  18. Rereading it, it looks like my reasoning was that he had posted something resembling a stance instead of just "gee idk who is scummy". Right now the main reason I'm not on SB's case is the strong Mason implication. But then again, FK has not expounded on whether they are neighbors or Masons and neither has SB. This is the primary basis of my case on Yolo, that and just his on/off posts which don't actually tell us anything about what he is thinking. Before we move forward, I need to know why I shouldn't be voting for Clarinets. Nova's case made sense to me when I thought Nova was probably scum and now that I know he isn't it makes even more. So, what is this supposed info that makes Clarinets cleared? If there is no one alive who can give it, then what do we think it was?
  19. Assuming you meant this (below), my bad. I forgot in all the Nova drama. I can't really offer a defense for my leads not going anywhere, but I stand by my reasons until shown, in a way that I can understand, why they are bad reasons. I don't know what else to say. You've played with me before. I always have these kinds of reasons. I think my own way and I don't back down on "shitty" reasons easily. I trust what I think is right until proven wrong. After all, you could be scum trying to take me off the right track. Calling them shit is not going to make me change the reasons I use in the next game either. The fully cleared reads I was reasonably confident about, but again, people had actual reasons for why they are not cleared. That would be a case where someone called my reasons shit and explained why they were shit in a way I could understand. Strawman I am still reasonably sure is town. I believe pretty strongly in that one. If I'm wrong, then he is an amazing actor and I will accept my defeat, but only after a flip. I've doubted him enough times just to come back to my town read and I don't see a point in debating that further. Clarinets I'm not so sure; I would love to hear this info that about him and when that info came to light. You may think my votes are erratic but they are always erratic. You'll notice I keep my vote where it is even while discussing a change in my read too. A lot of the time I use my vote as a pressuring tool. People say reaction tests are BS but that's how I do things until I'm shown a better way. My reads for the most part are consistent with some tinfoil hatting here and there but that's par for the course in this game. I don't like rehashing this kind of stuff because as I said before, bad reasoning is not scummy reasoning. From where I'm standing everything I do makes perfect sense and is a good reason to case someone, even if I am scum. There is no reason for me to push a case I don't think people will believe. It seems perfectly reasonable to me. So, read my ISO. Do you read scum intent? Then case based on intent, not on how horrible my reasons are. On to the real issue: I initially pushed to create a Marth counterwagon to see who would jump off of Marth, and onto who. I didn't want to believe his claim but I couldn't be really sure it was false either so that was my way of testing the waters. Especially when people were just refusing or ignoring my request to comment on the claim. I settled on SB (I believe? I think FK was in there for half a second, not serious) as a counterwagon because I figured that he was someone whose flip would reveal more than his actual content (as reasoned when I made the vote), but when it was clear I couldn't get any new info I switched back to the wagon. I'm going to be studying for a final today so don't expect a ton of activity but there are two or three lynches I'm okay with today. Yolo > Clarinets > Crysta Clarinets lower because of the info Manix claims to have that clears him or something. ##Vote Yolo
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