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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. It topped the steam charts for while. Main complaint i see is that it's too short (~20 hours)...however Post game is supposed to be real big and where the Monster Hunter comparisons come. Yup. And now the skills are all switched around. In Ys 8/9 i was able to solve it because these games allowed me to bind the buttons however i want, can't do that here xD. Well, if i could atleast get PS prompts somehow, i think i can live with it as i know these in my head, but Switch and Xbox being the same in reverse just screws my mind over lol
  2. Steam sales means new game - This time something on the action side. Finally, fighting monsters with the power of Shooter games. Cool game, i like so far Now if only i can just get the controller lay out in order....
  3. In a couple days Le Pen will get a majority in France. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnn
  4. The whole world is heading in the same direction, dw
  5. Now that football is on a break until Ro16, time to return to baking bread! Oh boyyyyyyyyyy After a grueling boss fight we get a map where we are stuck between 2 sides, who are pulling up their best weaponary, while we are 6 split up dudes and dudettes having to maneuver around and kill one of the sides bosses. Well, atleast i get a fuck you item deployment range for this map xD Gotta protect the mountain as well before the enemy destroys it and buries everyone alive. Oh boy. xD Ya know, Overboard difficulty aside (which i am *mostly* enjoying), i do really love how creative the maps in this game are.
  6. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2026_FIFA_World_Cup_qualification_(CONMEBOL) Not looking bad
  7. I will put FE6 as my fav. game for a month if one of them even reaches the final
  8. Why so loopsided England can reach the final with their snoozegateterror with that bracket 😭😭😭
  9. I had so much trouble with her in OG in my kiddie days. Kept getting sheer cold'd for days lol Atleast he can staff bot! When powerlvl'ing RNG wants to screw you over
  10. Yes, they have always been disappointing. But atm they are downright painful to watch lol
  11. England, the first team to make me turn off the stream this cup. Absolute Legends. How can football be this boring to watch, fucking Southgate
  12. Wow. Just wow. These Austrians are really fucking good Group lead in a group with France and Netherlands
  13. https://www.gematsu.com/2024/06/riviera-the-promised-land-remaster-for-pc-launches-july-17-worldwide
  14. To be the best you gotta beat the best, yup! Tbf Croatia almost put them in 3rd place with 3P and -1GD...freaking last second goal by Italy
  15. And the whole world will help you with it to finally teach Muricans what real sports and real sport tournaments look like xD
  16. Just a small taste of what it will be like in 2 years, Muricans xD
  17. This match was cinema!! A little mad Italy saved themselves literally in the last second, but dear god was that fun to watch With 2p and -3GD Croatia is 99.9% out England has to win by a 4 goal difference (and Czech has to lose) for Croatia to advance Not happening loooooooooooooooooooooooool.
  18. they are defending champs and it's always good to see a big team that's not yours fall 😛
  19. Croatia and Albania please kick out Italy today. You can do it!
  20. Rule of cool is only based if it's accompanied with good writing. Otherwise it's useless spectacle - Unearned Cool is one of the worst things ever
  21. >Spain and Portugal in the same bracket maybe we should've lost
  22. Fucking hell this game 1-1, somehow we got the group lead, but i am not convinced with our performance... Even with the shit ref, that was rough apparently a player lost consciousness?
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