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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. just a war criminal There's a mistranslation here - Falcom knew it was gonna be in the direct, but didn't know when the direct was.
  2. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cqjlxvg2gj7o
  3. Is this the most Atelier attack of all time? Lissa when Ophelia!Kana:
  4. Me spending 200 hours on Metaphor soon: 👀 If i get it ah
  5. are you ok? Did someone assign this to you as punishment? Who is blackmailing you?
  6. You should be able to conquer a country will these boss dragons lmao
  7. nope "Echoes of Wisdom 3D" was my thought when i saw the beds xD
  8. Staff girls spawning beds seems to be a trend
  9. @Armagon Extended look as well Man This might actually be Day 1 for me - and while i do enjoy an Atelier every now and then, it was never a top series for me This...is calling out to me JRPG fans on overdose tbh with how good we are eating
  10. So today, while reading manga i stumbled upon Which had me going And decided to do some search for a bit and stumbled upon was an interesting listen. No one get's majority alone over here - it doesn't happen. Usually parties have to work together to form a government. Most parties also, rightfully, refuse to work with the Nazis. But not only are they around 30% in both states, and in Thuringia they have a blocking minority, there's also BSW to consider, which, despite being seen as "Lefties" (LMAO) share quite few points with the nazis. In Thuringia both together have 49% - that gives them more than 50% of the seats. It's a total shitshow. And they still have more than 30% in saxony - and CDU over there is really pushing to work with them and only federal CDU is blocking that - but federal CDU under Merz is already going hard right anyway. If that happens it will open the floodgates for next years federal elections There's no consolation to be had here - Everyone already knew it's gonna happen yet it still fucking sucks.
  11. 🙃 I want off this timelin- maybe it's not so bad
  12. These results........ Not my state but will be felt accross the whole country. Man wth
  13. Xander not available any more this map since 2 characters were chosen already 😉
  14. Fates and Engage hate you can just find on the most random of places. But eh, FE fans and toxicity go hand in hand. They don't deserve fun games.
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