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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  2. Atleast you aren't juggling 2 games while having 2 you want to play/continue soon and one you always return to and another one my inner self wants to replay lol.
  3. And i thought the Pokemon panic was ridiculous lol
  4. very if i have to guess? I remember it from school days? *googles* Apparently it topped the charts across Europe - but didn't do well in US? Murica uncultured as always
  5. I remember this one - i think i used it before - or you told me about it before? True, difficulty wise i'd put Stairway and Fuga closer to the late game maps than the ones before it tho I usually put Sakura along Takumi and Hinoka - all 3 i super love!
  6. Welcome to Ch.18! A nice breather chapter between the 2 hells and before the late game starts! Although some could dispute the "breather" thing due to all the staffs and formation that look easy to beat but are actually hard to crack, it's imo the last "normal" chapter in the game. We split our forces. Elise + Corn is a freaking killer combo in this chapter. Their personals affecting each other during dual attack really really helps. On the left we PP and dual attack our way forward, on the right we EP with Xander that in this run is not scared of the beast killer that can take you by surprise (And did infact do that too many times leading to resets in my earlier runs). I leave a small amount of units behind to block reinforcements and to take on forward Heroes/Mages We push our way through, with most of the enemy staves finally used. scenes when the 1% hits Take out the paired up Armors... And push to the top with time to spare. We clean up and block reinforcements Get the Treasure... And finish the map! And Next is... Nope nope nope I am not sorry - i am not dealing with this. The +7 forge aside, which i did for the lulz then removed after clearing the map, if you don't Xander/Benny/Flier cheese the map, Master of Arms Odin with Vantage and Heartseeker is one of your options - although most likely you will need to use an Arms scroll for D Lances. Anyway, before we continue, i wanna get a kid! Let's start with hmmm.... Nina! Here's how we will do it: Each of you will suggest a Mother - RNG will pick one! Then 2 of those whose choice RNG didn't pick will each choose a permanent skill for the kid, while one will choose a PRF weapon (that will change with the class, ie. a Killing Edge will become a Killer Lance if we go from Myrmidon one chapter to Spear fighter next). Gimme your mothers!
  7. I don't feel obligated for the games i am playing atm since i am enjoying them 😄
  8. On my to watch list As if the writers care about that 😛 Also is this like reverse Roshidere xD
  9. Funny enough not that often - like only the current run. And if it counts, the Shadow Dragon hack during the linked ironman (which we started last year)
  10. Yes The most important arc was rushed af and at the same time slowly paced, and alot just off-screen'd Akane, which was my fav. character for most of the series turned into an absolute clown. She was supposed to be the smart one...and her "master plan" was basically NTR'ing herself. And don't let me start on how Aka handled the killer 😂 And the less i say about the waste of pages that is Kana the better. understandable - my brain is telling me to finish my current games first before i replay anything xD
  11. You have enough time to marathon all Ys games. GO FOR IT 😄
  12. MAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I have such a big urge for Xenoblade 2 and Engage atm.... But i have other games...
  13. That seems like a nice compromise Understandable - but imo, how they were in Crosscode was just too much. Pyramid Dungeon honestly completely burned me from a game i was otherwise having aloooooooot of fun with Akane reacting to how Aka made her a Clown ------------------ This looks really cool
  14. oho? Do tell me the results! I never tried to make it, but i really love it - I was so happy when i found a shop that could prepare it over here 😄 Indeed xD
  15. Yes 😄 Tasty little thing! Did you also learn that the name means "Ali's Mother"? I don't know the origin of the name tho *googles* Oh. OH! Well, didn't expect that xD
  16. Better - thanks to all the rallies and Shuriken Breaker on Charlotte I actually wanted to, but he then went and decided to face off the reinforcements and i was not sending any of my units that way lol Finally, Shwarp in 3DSFE (in GBA hacks there's a skill called Swarp, which is a combination of Warp and Swap. Pretty cool tbh)
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