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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. yeah, ik, but there was always some Archer nearby then again, i always tried to hide her in forest instead of Vanishstone i probably would've had an easier time resetting the whole chapter instead of turn 5 and getting arrowbane + Ballista with me, but i captured the bounty there in one go, and didn't wanna retry that xD
  2. I was kinda raging because this map had 3 of my least fav. Elements in one map. Terrain + fog + ballista. Usually i am fine with one or two, but all together + stealth mechanic really got to me. Also taking my flier away for the map... I would say snow map is up there as well, if for a different reason Yeah i have a special kind of hate for terrain maps xD Hot take: FE5 ch22 was cool, it's the other chapters late game that are more problematic xD Used it on Reese so he can pass through undetected. Won't she be auto revaled if she stands adjacent to the overwatch guys on the sea though? You have to stand near them because terrain slows your mov
  3. doesn't help with the Ballista or the overwatch archers hidden it. You think i didn't try that? Anyway, finally done. Fuck that map
  4. There's no forest on Mountain Last i checked Tico can't climb and you lose avoid on mountain. All of it
  5. She can't Archers auto target her and one shot her Anyway i already overcame that area, now i am playing hide and seek with the other ballista hiding in the fog
  6. Better than Hidden ballista in fog covering a mountain you have to climb while being covered by 3 stealth archers And any detection unit you have will get one shotted. Terrain maps in FE are the worst
  7. >missing a 90 legit Dean Fuck this map Seriously one of the worst i ever played Not even FE5 reached that level of bullshit
  8. After who acts? Ballista? Because there still 3 hidden archers with over watch near it You can't see when they are acting
  9. Lighthouse i captured after i started map, and it doesn't let you see the other ballista. there's a turn limit it isn't still annoying moving through terrain while ballista firing at you
  10. Here's the thing I didn't take any arrowbane users because i can't see the future and expect Ballista on a cliff in a fog map. Cliffs you have to climb to even reach your objective, and hidden enemies with overwatch near Ballista
  11. They can when i approach them because other enemies still have sight on me. I took the lighthouse long ago
  12. mine is lvl 11 atm, but since she capped light rank i am thinking of resting her until her promotion event, and use Izerna instead so is Larentia!
  13. yeah I was thinking of taking Saphira, since i could imagine her having an event there
  14. @Benice is there any character i should take for 11-2/any cryptic Kaga stuff?
  15. I do miss classic recruitment (themes) in newer FE NGL
  16. @DragonFlames https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/66548004 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. I really don't understand what he is thinking with some of his design choices. Like FE5 i could atleast follow Maybe because i also love FE5, probably the most on this Thread, but with Berwick there's a ''Kaga why?'' every chapter lol
  18. Also green weapons breaking all the time Why Kaga. Why.
  19. <---missed a 99 in the game he is playing atm also a 3x brave 88 got hit by 10s etc
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