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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. it also makes everyone's experieces different, which makes discussions fun tbh
  2. I complain about RNG all the time but RNG levelups is the one thing i don't want gone from the series, ngl xD
  3. I think the one i have clearest in my memory is in PoR where in a chapter i had super good lvlups all around, almost saving my rng screwed ike since he got like 2 super lvlups in a row... then on the last turn of the map i had a brain fart and sent Soren to suicide lmao And on retry... yeah, RNG screwage all around xD
  4. Man i wish i could get lucky lvlups on retries. It's exactly always the other way around
  5. Heavy Cavalry for promoted maybe, as Heavy Cavalry still has 2 more mov then unpromoted infantry, and with Wyvern stat spread that's way too op, imo
  6. ^^ Here's a comparison of what i think how Pegasi vs. Wyverns should be like, as by current standards Wyverns are just superior, and are super op. Pegasi: Decent Atk, high speed, super low Def, high Res and Mov. Which is also how they currently are in most FE. Lances main weapon, on promotion they gain either Staves or Swords, depending on promotion split. Wyverns: Very High Atk, High Def, very low speed and Res, Infantry movement. This makes them much weaker than most FE, as they usually have very high stats in everything except Res, and that doesn't matter if you can Brave Axe the Mage and Canto the fuck out anyway thanks to high mov. Main weapon Axes, gain Bows or Dark Magic on promo, depending on split.
  7. If you talking Conquest, Effie is one of like 3 units that could tank anything yeah xD But i think personally that's good design, and one way to make Armor units useful. Make them the only ones with good def. Effie had enough def to tank stuff. Honestly, if it was up to me, i would generally make offensive growths for many units super high (we talking 60-80% here) while making def growths super low (10-30%). Only Armor units would have 50%+ Def growths, and only other defensive types would've good def growth (Wyvern as an example i talked about before, but they will have less mov and much less spd compared to pegasi. Kinda like flying Armors).
  8. Yup, Wary fighter is a good skill. Still not enough though xD oh, OH! When he was talking Atelier earlier i thought he mean't Kaga Saga's Atelier XD Enjoy @twilitfalchion!
  9. Welcome to another episode of Shrimpramblings mini! Since we have alot of newcomers atm, Shrimpramblings is a series where I, the Emperor of the Shrimps, post various thoughts about FE. It could be gameplay mechanics, Story mechanics, fangame ideas F for Tech vs. Magic idea, stuff that will never become a reality, etc.! Hence empty useless ramblings... Today we have... Armor Knights! The most useless of units in the Series. They are suppossed to be tanky, yet they end up taking much more damage than any other units, because their def is not really that high, and they end up getting doubled by everything in existence except other Armor Knights! Some people say we should remove their main weakness, that is movement and speed, but i don't think that's the right approach to take. First of all i think we should give the defence to actually tank something. But is that enough when they are saddled with low mov and spd? I don't think so. Now i am gonna take a page from Berwick and 3H In both these games, units have a secondary equipment slot. In Berwick some units can wear stat increasing rings, while others only shields, depending on class. In 3H anyone can equip secondary equipment, although i don't know what use equipping a magic staff on a physical unit would be. What if, unlike other units, Armor units could have 2 secondary equipment slots, instead of just 1? I think this could somehow alleviate some of their problems, if they could use Shields to stay tanky, and use a more offensive secondary equipment to have some offensive power as well /Shrimpramblings end
  10. Enjoy Atelier Berwick: Kaga and the city of ventures Protip: let the Atelier hold onto your items so you can save inventory space. You csn reclaim em later dw!
  11. Well let's see what's up for tonight New sig Berwick ch8 Kinda, thanks^^
  12. I noticed, that's why i had to put a stop to it xD Tutturu!
  13. Ah yes waking up from a nap at 10 pm Classic Sorry, son, but neither me nor young Draggy swing that way. I can't fulfill that wish... Enjoy, Julian, and don't be a stranger!
  14. why do i always lose to the most stupid of jumps lol Then again SMB jump physics are...something xD Never thought i will say this, but... i need to get better at Mario Lol
  15. good thing i waited for DE then, right? xD ah yes the 1-2 coin farm loop i usually lose at 10-15 so far
  16. Many thanks! Later on today i will see what sig i can mix together with one of those^^ That one bear ward pic though haha ... Maybe a pic of his sister killing him or something i dunno xD
  17. Final dungeon prep. theme <3, preparing your 16 man party (see? just like FE) for a 4 part final dungeon after 250 hours journey across 3 games 👌 despite dropping the series thanks to modern games Trails in the Sky is still the best thing in existence And when you enter the final dungeon, this track starts!
  18. ...you don'T have an account, right? Pixiv usually hides ''sensitive'' stuff to guests. Doesn't always work though.
  19. don't understimate pixiv when it comes to lewd xD Pixiv has lewds for everything EVERYTHING! xD Sylvis or Larentia^^ Thanks in advance 😄 oh boy! Oh well, how can i say it... Trails used to be my former fav. Series, with Trails in the Sky trilogy being my absolute fav. games ever. Sadly modern titles is like if IS doubled down in everything bad in Fates with FE15/16 instead of backing off from that stuff. They usually have a slow start, to set up the worlds and characters, then kick very high gear into late game. Gameplay is on a grid with movement options and stuff, with turn order using an AT system, with manipulation options being plenty and magic having a cast time Here's me fighting against a boss as an example for the gameplay (it lags a bit at the start). I also know everthing there's to know about the battle system, so battle might seem easier then it actually is. first game in the series: https://store.steampowered.com/app/251150/The_Legend_of_Heroes_Trails_in_the_Sky/ Nightmare SC/Sky3rd is still some of the hardest challenges i had in gaming, with some of the harder boss battles taking ~30 Minutes and requiring extreme planning and perfection xD
  20. pixiv your friend... beware of bad stuff though xD
  21. Man, i want to head to pixiv to search through the Beriwck Saga tag for some art for my next sig but spoilers are probably abound there lel
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