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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Why's the apointment tomorrow, as we like to say, at the ass of the world I have half a mind to just cancel it and wait for something nearby to pop up I_hate_Corona.txt
  2. I won't talk about Civ and similiar games because they are a completely different thing. Same can be said about RTS games, they are a completely different genre (that i love and used to play alot) however, the reason i prefer FE over other SRPG Game Speed: FE games are relatively fast & responsive compared to most other SRPG. Units have high lethality, leading to fast tactical gameplay Simple to leart, hard to master: The Mechanics of FE are pretty simple to learn, and in a game they get progressively more complex (by adding more skills and terrain, for example), they don't throw everything at you at once. Despite the ease of access, everyone plays FE in their own way and there are numerous tactics out there for every chapter. Perma death, especially in harder games, means your every move matters. The amount of units you control. In FE, you control from 5 units early game up to 15 late game, making the scale feel big. Alot of SRPG stick you with 4-6 units, making it more like a overglorified RPG battle Access to information: A single look at the stat screen and you can calculat everything in FE. Other SRPG make calculations way more complex and have numbers in the 1000s that make me go ''wtf? How am i suppossed to calculate that?'' I prefer FE's Map design over most SRPG as well There are a couple more reasons as well, i am sure, but those are the ones from the top of my head You talked about Chess, and i love FE exactly because it's like Chess.
  3. I enjoy 3H gameplay... Mostly. It's no Conquest, but i find 3H better than 80% of the series. Other than Conquest, only Thracia and RD i would put above 3H gameplay wise, and T776 has the Kaga surprise bs, and RD has part 4 which made me rate 3H higher than them. And while i do care about gameplay more, if i enjoy both gameplay and Story i'd rate the game higher above a game where i enjoyed gameplay only
  4. I mean, it's trending, and it's giving them alot of attention... Job well done if you ask me
  5. Myself i am in the ''Gameplay first, Story last'' faction. There's a reason, that despite having one of the worst stories and characters i ever met in fiction, i still rank Conquest among my top 10 games of all time, and my 3rd fav. FE. I'd rather both be good, of course, but if i have to decide, i would choose gameplay anyday. Not to mention i think Characters are more important than the Story itself
  6. Atleast Rorona isn't DLC xD And yeah KT practices are well known...
  7. F know that feel to well get well soon! So they are a family of chuunis i see. The Chuunidom of Arland
  8. ok ngl i haven't laughed that much in a long time when it comes to twitter kek
  9. *complains about puzzles yet loves the most puzzle like FE* There is that one game i have a love-hate relationship with. Cross Code. I loved the gameplay, the boss design, the setting... but hated the Puzzles and Puzzles were like 50% of the game. Sometimes you'd go to a super duper long dungeon just full of puzzles. It made my mind go to mush every time i played it. It's still on hold because i couldn't take anymore of the puzzles after i finished the last giant puzzle dungeon
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