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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. writing block is real haha there are 2 or 3 dungeons where you have to including the final dungeon since it's everyone getting deployed there, 4 Party split
  2. Similiar. She's dead weight, priod. Even her passive makes you wanna bench her lol Everyone except Tio got nerfed in Ao, who got buffed. Randy got the short end of the stick though yeah. Atleast Lloyd gets his strength back and learns even stronger crafts
  3. I would personally put Estelle much higher and Agate and Zin lower though Estelle's Crafts having lower Delay than normal attacks really helps
  4. 7 connected Quartz Slot = Arts babeh Arts and alooooot of EP Sieg Craft so good, people meme him to be the Grandmaster Lichtkreis is your Asssaving Card. Highest ATS in FC/SC, 2nd Highest in 3rd = PEW PEW PEWWWWWWWWWW Her only weakness is really the 3 Water lock, so you have to concentrate on Water and Time Arts. And choose between Earth/Wind for either Revive+Guard or Aoe and Stornger Water/Time Arts that need wind Element. I usually Go Water/Time/Wind
  5. Lichtkreis + Grail Sphere = Ultimate duo of asssaving. I remember on my first SC run (on Hard), the penultimate battle, one of the hardest battles series wide, 25 minutes in... I almost game over'd Only Lichtkreis was able to save my Ass by reviving my dead Party and then Kevin giving guard. Or another late game battle Kloe was the sole MVP by reviving my Party like 5 times in addition to dealing the most damage. She has the highest ATS, so she can dish out alot of magic damage
  6. everyone had done that before. Sorry to burst your bubble XD There are alot of fics with that premise and they aren't good yup. I will take one after i eat, too Now, what should i eat...
  7. Echoes of the Dark - Nep lands in a verrrrrry dark dimension. Warning: While super good, probably the best on ff.net, also super dark and quite disgusting at times Solia's Journey - Conquest Gear's Imouto lands in Hyper dimension Neptunia Kart - Funny af one-shot Omegadimension - Nep lands in CQ!Dimension
  8. Thanks 😊 Believe me there are alot better ideas and fics out there, but thanks 😉 I can share some of my fav. Nep fics if you want
  9. Since i am sharing anyway, here's a non-crossover one shot xD yup. Very Late HF haha like, the very last scene before epilogue xD thanks^^
  10. There's another Fate x Nep one shot i wrote i wanted to share, but... Heavy spoilers XD Yeah, mainly to bookmark the fics i read haha. But then i started sharing the one shots i wrote for the weekly Nep prompts thread And some older one shots i wrote for Fate Thanks^^
  11. Yes haha. It's a plot bunny i had for a while, so i decided to write a small one-shot as an answer to a prompt
  12. It's a small one, so don't expect much Also games are love, games are life xD
  13. ara, Drunk-chan? The only part i liked in Extella haha I did write some nep this week, when i should write for Cyoa...
  14. 😮 😮 😮 Tfw another version exists 😮 You still need to see him grow xD But he was an ass yeah it's a common complaint in the fanbase. Very common one. They keep recycling and using the same trope
  15. I've no right preaching about Trails when i dropped the series myself xD don't be xD Play at your own pace haha Except Schera has good students and doesn't fall in love with them 😛
  16. Draggy, for the FBI memes Do Amber Do it for the seems xD
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