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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. PC, PS3, PS4 as i said, there's a demo on steam 😉
  2. Imo, Berseria's gameplay is much better that Vesperia's Much smoother, faster, and it's all in 3D, no 3D/2D annoying switching There's a demo on steam you can try!
  3. I see Well, first rec. is an obvious one: Trails in the Sky! Characters you will find no better. Also your fellow SF'ers are playing it atm, so you can all help each other! Ys Series - Action JRPG. Simple. Fun. Addicting. Amazing Boss fights. Banging Music. While used to be mainly gameplay focused (with some Lore), later games have become Story focused as well and stuff from the background from all games is starting to come together. You can start anywhere except Ys 2, since it's a direct sequel to Ys 1. Also made by Falcom. Grandia - Battle System is pretty similiar to Trails. Valkyria Chronichles - Anime World War 2 SRPG. With a Twist. When you select a character, you don't move em in a grid like map, but instead control them FPS Style. Pretty fun, with great characters and good Story. Tales of Berseria - Fast smooth fun kinda button mashy action game. Cast is super good with an interesting Story. Dragon Star Varnir - Might've a predictable story, but the cast is really really strong.
  4. Turn based or action? What are you in the mood for?
  5. Well, time to get the Shrimp rec. machine working! What are you in the mood for?
  6. interesting... especially since Arts are pretty strong in Crossbell. Especially Ao (and late game Zero) Tio can map wipe Late game with Area Arts. Especially with Bells in Ao
  7. Sleep Well, Draggy! you only had 2 LV5 MQ? 😮 I had everyone on LV5 MQ at the final dungeon
  8. We are talking so much about Trails Caster will not touch the games in a century xD
  9. As a 4Chan meme goes ''We will never get another Azure Arbitrator''
  10. I think it shouldn't be that easy to do Like, cap it at 50%, however if you want it at 100%, you have to keep evasion buff up in battle Would make it more exciting imo. it already started with Ys 8 tbh, where we got a Plains theme as a final boss theme <.<
  11. Up until CS2 Falcom Soundtracks have been 👌 The best in the industry then after CS2 their soundtrack became barely average
  12. Don't you dare xD Especially since Crossbell, unlike CS, continue directly from Sky and are very tightly connected. Some even joke and call Zero Sky4th lol I am not showing off any Sky stuff because you are playing atm and i don't want to spoil xD Imo i like Sky3rd gameplay a bit more than Ao. Mainly because you can't get 100% evasion and let Lloyd be alpha Fie xD That, and greater customization Ao comes close though Wish Falcom build on Ao instead of throwing half of it away 😕
  13. Brave Orders are broken Wish they developed Master Arts further instead (you see Lloyd using one multipe times in the video) instead of giving us those utterly broken brave orders with 0 drawbacks. Master Arts worked like this: You get a one time huge buff + a Field wide buff in cost of a huge cast time and EP cost in this example Lloyd used Fire Rune, which gives once 50CP, and increases all physical damage given by 50% aslong as he is casting. And while he is casting, he can't do anything else (if you noticed, it has a whopping 89 Delay). The only thing he can do is S-break out of the cast (The 50% Damage buff is gone then ofc) There is a master art for every element. They are the strongest Xbell character. This is something almost the whole fanbase agrees on 😄
  14. It fights like these i completely miss from modern Trails Crossbell's Story is even stronger than Sky's imo, even if the characters are weaker. and she voices a digimon huh, interesting 😄
  15. That's where Aqua Mirage comes in It gives the missing 50% you need, hence why you need to keep it up so Lloyd can dodgetank Yup. There's another way that's much harder: Water Master Art. It decreases all damage taken by 50%. Your most tanky characters can barely survive then xD 👍 So when are getting the Claude/Aina special convo? xD
  16. @DragonFlames Aka Why Tio is best girl, even gameplay wise This is one of 4 or so Battles up until Ao where you have to do everything perfectly to win, that's why it might seem easy, even though i was always 1 Mistake away from losing xD And dw, you don't have to win these battles to advance, falcom knows how hard these battles are and thus allows you to advance Story without forced to win xD You can also notice what a difference buffs make
  17. I like i like. Really good see? I don't bite xD There's other tracks from GBF i really like as well
  18. Youtube pls it's been more than an hour since i recorded
  19. How did you arrive to that conclusion xD I share OST if games i hate and/or never played all the time haha
  20. He can share that stuff with us here, we don't bite xD
  21. It super really Best thing about that fight is, when i finished SC i told my self ''I wish there was a fight like that'' then Sky 3rd comes and delivers 😄 Also still waiting on youtube. Fight turned out to be only 22 Minutes long after all xd
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