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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Btw, since i nominated Estelle, try to nominate someone else. You still have a spot open 😉
  2. Let's have some chaotic fun, everyone! At first it was suppossed to be part of the LTT, but since it would be too chaotic there, i created a new thread instead. So here is how it goes: Everyone will nominate 2 video game girls After Nomiation is over, i will shuffle a bracket using rng, and the girls will face off in a series of 1v1 battles. Each vote lasts 24h Max. allowed Characters are 32 I start by nominating: Estelle Bright (Trails in the Sky) and Neptune (Neptunia) Nominated Characters Bracket:
  3. They are very very very rare. You could go a whole game and only meet them once and then they became DLC in CS
  4. Maybe it could work against shining poms? Those bastards are very hard to kill and i don't remember if they resist deathblow in FC or not
  5. @DragonFlames The chest messages were added by the loc team from XSEED you can thank Falcom's potato coding for that
  6. This weather.............. You doin an ironman or something? Other units could make a better use of it
  7. Yes. Sky3rd focuses on fleshing out the cast even more, prepares for future titles, and has the best gameplay in the series. No While Estelle isn't MC, she's a side character there.
  8. Enjoy your weekend, Julian I will manage the competition later today. You guys never got into light novels huh Probably for the better xD Also decided to wait on XB2 a bit, even if it was very hard to resist, i just finished a big game and don't want to jump into another one right after. That, and i wanna finish my current backlog (Lulua, Astral Chain and DMC5) and deal with some rl matters first (as i am the type who leaves everything else hanging ehen playing big games)... It's so so so tempting though xD Inb4 later today i tell you all i got XB2 xD
  9. tfw so hot your beady heats up 1 minute after a cold shower at half eleven in the night
  10. They only load for the one who opened them/visited source
  11. i think so yes. They never celebrate it ingame though xD
  12. @Armagon you can't directly link to pixiv images, they don't load
  13. Man, me recording those Trails battles makes me wanna go play Trails again... why did the series have to end at Ao... But man, Laura's ancient Grandma is sure easy when compared to the equivalent battles in Sky xD
  14. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/75429257 Julia
  15. npnp There are some other changes as well, that make loc Tellius games much better than jp what xD
  16. https://old.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/2z52ym/til_that_in_the_japanese_version_of_radiant_dawn/
  17. There was something like Warp powder malfunction or something, hence why Ike was able to defeat Bk or something even more stupid
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