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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. facing off against Welsh catgirl isn't easy especially with more people playing XB2 than Sky xD But Never give up! we still have more than 22 hours to go xD
  2. dw he isn't like Sylvain at all. If anything he is more like Olivier, but less troll-ish and more mysterious
  3. Well, let's see ''Forgiving/bring back Traitor/Terrorist'' Trope. This easily is my most hated trope in fiction. Someone who betrayed you and lead to the death of alot of people and then going ''let's go back'' makes me hate the story. Villain redemption when well done is ok, but MC going ''Bring back traitor'' with no real reason excpet ''let's return to the old times.'' and ''Traitor must be misunderstood'' are bad. Period. Catria archetype. Don't let the poor girls suffer. Mass revivals. Revival in very rare occurances and with a heavy price is ok. But mass revivals makes death not matter Story wise anymore
  4. I hear it the Thunderbolt... are we finally getting some rain will it finally cool down a bit?
  5. Top Cold Steel girls? Fie and Millium who are also the only good ones
  6. Tio is going against #TeamOppai with Camilla and Raikou infront of her xD
  7. going by the bracket, Musse vs. Lys could happen very soon Mythra vs. Pyra as well
  8. Let's start our first day of battles! First battle we have Ryza, the T H I C C protag of the latest Atelier game! Vs. Raine Sage, a protagonist from a classic beloved Tales game! For the second battle we got a hot one! Emma Millstein, a Witch guiding the chosen one, from the Cold Steel series facing it off against Arnice, the protagonist of Draggy's favourite game, Nights of Azure! And for the third battle for today we got Estelle Birght, the brightest girl around and the protagonist of Trails in the Sky going against everyone's fav. Welsh Cat girl, Nia, from Xenoblade Chronicles 2! Let the Waifu warsssssssssssssssssssssssssss, BEGIN! Each vote will last 24 Hours! Fight for your grills!
  9. Military and bracers don't get along. You will get more reasons for that later ^^ Be sure to check the towers in every region! I hate it when games don't allow that
  10. @DragonFlames So this is the top steam review for Warriors All Stars Accurate? XD
  11. Yup. I found it extra annoying than enemies could come from the 3rd dimension and attack freely while you have to follow the 2D rules https://store.steampowered.com/app/207350/Ys_Origin/ there's a Demo, go check it out xD And good morning, Julian
  12. Thing is, some of the older Tales games have that 3D but actually 2D thing, where the gameplay takes place in 3D, but you can only access the third dimension by pressing a button, otherwise the game makes a 2D plane between you and the enemy (imagine fighting games). It's jarring af, and i couldn't really get into it (and neither could Armagon)
  13. What is a man to do when he can't sleep due to scorching heat and it's 5 am? he browses Atelier memes, ofc
  14. All this Musseposting reminds me of the Teehee quest...
  15. Mario Kart VR huh now this is something i wanna try xD
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