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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. My fav. fight in the series, nay, jrpg wide, in Sky 3rd, is like 45 Minutes long but it's epic and deserves it.
  2. There are no enemies who resist the higher Elements in FC Also finished recording ancient Grandma battle, hopefully it's not bugged xD and it's 30 Minutes long
  3. Hmm I feel like recording Laura's Grandma battle hmmmmm
  4. We need to Theorycraft for it first xD Let me think it over a bit
  5. As always, check bracer notebook! Best Crossbell girl!
  6. Asssaving duo of Asssaving: Sky: Lichtkreis (don't ask xD) + Grail Sphere Xbell: Aura Rain + Zero Field CS: just one shot boss bro xD La Tear Line Water arts and need Wind element as well
  7. She gets 2 other S-crafts later on The most useful one: Max Guard to the whole Party (x2 at 200 CP) In Ao she gets a Mecha suit xD Than god Thelas is a thing xD If only you gotvthe recording where Elie was one shotted and Tio barely survived xD But yeah, in Sky and Xbell S-crafts rarely mean party wipe, they just put you near death There are 2 exceptions, and both are the strongest Bosses in their respective arcs, so it's alright. That and you've means to guard yourself from them. No All Cancel bullshit
  8. Orange Juice Hmmm You get cards instead of character skills, and eachvturn you can use these cards how you see fit. Some can be used on field, some can be used in battle and some can be set as traps. Also dice rolls to give hit and avo bonuses or this :D Hyperdevotion time! There's that one doujin game
  9. Elie! Yeah... As i said, you guys got the most boring recording xD Other recordings had alot more stuff going on, including party member deaths and me going "oh shit" alot haha I once ate a buffed S-craft to the face while everyone was grouped together Thankfully Elie survived with like 10 HP and i could Aura Rain (heal S-craft) haha Also, as you notice, S-crafts, player and enemy alike, aren't as strong here as in CS
  10. Yup, they had to rely on ranged crafts to attack me, which lets them use CP, which means S-craft doesn't charge fast, and if it does, they don't get the 200 CP version (which is 50% stronger)
  11. 1. Didn't have any attack to do that 2. Debuffing is expensive and does not last long, so try and focus on the most important stats. Some bosses do need to be atk debuffed, for sure. Usually self buff s more efficient (lasts longer + cheaper) and Bosses can't stop you from doing that (as alot of Bosses resist stat downs) actually it was more At-delay xD while boss was immune to it, Clones were not, so i had to let someone, in this case Randy, AT-delay them Chrono down was mostly used to counter boss self buff
  12. I feel like re-installing Berseria for some reason... Can we get a new Tales pls
  13. If people want to see why i always complain about CS being too easy On Nightmare... and it gets even easier on CS2 and 3
  14. The one i just fought disapproves that 😛 depends on game really though SC for example they resist everything (except debuffs sometimes xD) ah, also @twilitfalchion Positioning is very important. In one of the failed recordings my Party was grouped together, and got s-crafted... Had quite a hard time to come back from that, and could've easily lead to game over. However grouping up makes it easier to buff your party, so decisions decisions...
  15. And AT-Manipulation. It's not really visible in FC, but each Action has a Delay amount, that determines turn order. Manipulating that is the key to Victory. Healing Arts for example have a very low cast time, perfect for AT Manipulation. Debuffs also depends on boss, you have to see which boss is immune to what. Like in this battle, Boss was immune to Status and AT-delay, however could be stat debuffed. The clones weren't immune to anything. Pc Versio, but with the amazing geofront patch eh I say Crossbell is more Sky like, except that you can do 100% evasion builds like in CS xD
  16. @DragonFlames @twilitfalchion after 4 tries, finally, a recording. Of course the only succesful recording is the least exciting one xD Anyway, this is a Zero Nightmare boss battle, compareable to Sky hard.
  17. Damn am i rusty or it was hard or both xD And my Recorder fucked up a 30 Minute battle pls that was fun though the Classic Trails rush haha Also noticed again how much of a difference buffes make Debuffed = 0 damage buffed = 5k damage Anyway gotta record again, and this time probably not a 30 minute battle that will scare you all away Edit: Another recording gone lmao
  18. Normal shouldn't really be too bad xD SC is quite a bit harder than FC yes, but it's expected since you have a full game behind you. The best comparison would be going from FE9 to FE10
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