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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. me trying to get any paperwork done in these times Thanks, Corona
  2. so yesterday i was in bed for like 4 Hours where i couldn't sleep, and so i did what every person that can not sleep does... look up through memes... specifically Xenoblade memes #PoorMelia memes to be exact F for the girl xD πŸ‘ And Yeah, Chika is immensely popular, especially with the anime crowd (not so much with the manga crowd)
  3. There's also a 2D game. The original Ys 3 is a 2D game ala Zelda 2. Thankfully the remakes are much better. That's why we're waiting for Ys 5 remake...
  4. tbf though, you never really need to do so. If you do the quests, you should've enough money. Sell old weapons if you're short on money
  5. Yeah you are still in the very early game! Try to priotize unlocking slots and Action/Cast quartz. Also check your Bracer Notebook ;)
  6. btw @DragonFlames if you do your Quartz Tetris right, you can have pretty strong arts early onπŸ˜‰
  7. That would be so helpful. Especially for enemy Archers
  8. Oh i like this alot! Will make me actually deploy the guy xD But aren't the items a bit too expensive (especially the reinforcements)? Some fine tuning might be needed
  9. Just disallow those that go against social distancing rules. I don't think Federal Constitutional Court will allow a general ban like that. Iirc some state courts already went ''nope'' on group bans in some states
  10. Technically, and that's why the police arrested the demonstration organizer on Saturday, even demonstrations have to follow social distancing rules (Mask + disctance.) We've had other demonstrations for other stuff in berlin in the last few months, but everyone was wearing a mask and numbers didn't rise. The demonstrations in the weekend ignored every social distancing rule and no one was wearing a mask, so....
  11. Depending on who you choose for Eliwood in FE7, Roy and Lilina can be cousins, so...
  12. yes The next 2 weeks will decide everything I am already dreading a heavy lockdown over here after people from all over the country came and ignored all social distancing rules <.<
  13. They don't have to the right to spread illness. Their Freedom ends where the freedom of the others start
  14. Completely agree. Fucking morons the lot of them. The Majority of the people are sacrificing something so they can love, and then some 20k morons go ''Haha pandemic go brrrr''
  15. told y'all it's gonna be bad xD take care of yourself!
  16. You guys really want to see a bad meme huh gimme some time then
  17. hmm I feel like doing a meme that will piss off everyone in the FE fanbase hmmmmmmmmm
  18. When i told some of my fellow students how doctor forbid me from drinking alcohol they went all like ''oof'' ''poor you'' '''how can you even live?'' me be like: how i lived all my life xD But i didn't say that haha
  19. I honestly think vegans are brave I wish i could let go of meat like that
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