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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. I was kinda annoyed everytime Boss themes in XB got replaced after i nullified a Vision tag. ''The future, we can change it!'' Why change the Music though, Shulk? I saw xD The top comment on one of the Youtube videos: "You Will Recognize our Titles" in XB3 xD I can see why that could get very annoying very very fast. Honestly though, i think Lyrics should be best left to Boss fights. Lmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaao 100% success rate so far! Even if it was only one game I love it! It's so damn gooooooooooooooooood! If were to post arranges and remixes, i would need another list tbh xD
  2. I am avoiding XB2 ost atm because i want to listen to them ingame first haha. Although i did listen to ''You will recall our names!'' Which i thought at first to be ''You will know our names'' Remix xD After the starting bits, i actually like them! Although the lyrics surprised me at first. And i think them getting repeated over and over could be bothersome, but i have to play the game first to decide that. They actually remind of the english songs i grew up with haha Hey, you remember that the day i started to emulate XB1, XBDE got announced, right? Maybe i should get to emulating XBX asap... Now, for the final shill! Final Dungeon and Final Boss themes! First, fav. final Dungeon themes: Castle of Illusions (Phantasmagoria) A Light Illuminating The Depths - This will always be Peak first Trails game moment for me Battle Ground The Place where Souls return Beyond the Beginning Phantasmal Blaze Hollow Light of the sealed Land Spiral of Erebos A Falcom sweep who would've thought xD Now, fav. Final Boss themes! The Azure Arbitrator - I don't think there will ever be a better final boss theme tbh. Undisputed #1. The Strongest Foe - 1.5 years to beat on Nightmare never forget! Truely the Strongest Foe. Ancient Disputation - 3 Phases, 3 Parties, Solo Adol Final Destination. The last good Ys final battle tbh. A Grasping Truth - Still the best FE final boss. Twilight of the Gods - We getting some Fe reps over here! God Shattering Star - Who imagined a Bandit will be a final boss? Apex of the World - FE be like: ''I may not land often on Shrimpy's music list, but when i do, it's the final Boss!'' End of All - Even Fates is here xD Welcome back! And rest well 😄
  3. Wait a sec... Aren't those the ones you used as pfp? also, Theme would fit in right with FE! i see! Now, fav. non final dungeon themes! Palace of destruction aka best first dungeon theme in the history of video games! Star Temple Riddles of the Labyrinth Mystic Core Valestein Castle Silent Desert hey another Ys domination xD Yup. And honestly, i kinda prefer epic field themes over Battle themes that keep repeating every battle and cut through field themes. It's my problem with the old FE style of music as well. Although RD was a nice compromise
  4. Oho! That's a cool one! You know it 😉 I really love that one as well. Between it and Mechanical Rythm in main game XBDE has pretty top tier Main battle themes! (Dunno which to prefer ngl xD) Time for...Special Boss Themes (Final Bosses excluded)! Fateful Confrontation Ernst Silver Will Inevitable Struggle Unfathomed Force Blue Destination Providence Unbreakable King Paths that will never cross Dark Emperor The good old classic Falcom sweep! And finally some FE rep xD I love it when games do that ngl. That's normally the case if you haven't been using a certain language for writing much. I guess when you write stuff you only do so in english, since you are in the US and all.
  5. Not what i expected when i read ''Character themes'' xD Some kind of big bad? Same with NoA2's Fortuna. Gives of a ''Boss'' Feeling, so to say. Hmm, what Category should i do next hmmm... Standard Boss Themes! Genuine Devil Crimson fighter Obstacle in our Path Voltage Dancing Girl Belief Arrest the Criminal
  6. I do love me some 8/16-bit remixes especially if they are official like Draggy and Twilit will be hearing the original of that soon enough
  7. Since we are posting ost, here my fav. Field/plains tracks 😄 Sunshine Coastline Gaur Plains Forest of Judgement First Step Towards Wars -> Next Step Towards the Unknown The Boy's got wings Iclucian Dance Yes Ys pretty much dominates this one xD
  8. Defo agree there. And i know what i will listen to in the next 20 minutes or so xD As for my fav. main battle themes Get over the Barrier Splash Mechanical Rythm Dimension Zero
  9. ;_; Even Music is not up to par anymore ;_; huh. Interesting. I thought it would be NoA for sure. 😊 Now you reminded me that i need to work on it...
  10. And FC gameplay is pretty weak when compared to SC and especially 3rd. Look forward to them 😉 Anime tropes doesn't mean bad though. We have 3H as an example for that. Counter example for me would be Xenoblade 1, as Characters aren't tropey at all, but i find myself meh on them due to lacking characterization. It's how you use the tropes. Even in CS there are characters i love, even though they got the trope down to a T. To explain the Trails analogy to FE more, CS is if like 3H was Fates 2.0. And they keep doubling down. IS atleast realized after Fates to calm down with that stuff a bit. I usually don't mind fanservice (look at my profile picture, at what games i play and what manga i read haha. And you know my opinion about FE dragons as well), but it has it's moments, and i don't want it in a serious game. Hajimari has VR Bath events. I usually say ''3H is if CS was actually good''. Crossbell is very Sky like... but it's also what started all the stuff i hate in CS. It all orginated from there. And then CS kept doubling down more and more with each entry. I once had a swiss teacher that spoke German, English, French, Italian and Arabic. And is better in every language than all of us. We were all amazed. That's quite a good battle theme 😄 This remix of FC's battle theme though
  11. In the gameplay department as well tbh. If i enjoyed CS' gameplay i would've alteast pushed through as i am usually a gameplay guy anyway.
  12. Depends on who you ask. For me.... let's just say i view Cold Steel like how some of the FE fanbase view Fates. Atleast Fates had conquest which had amazing gameplay. CS is totally irreedemable in my eyes and i dropped the series because of it. Imagine going from Ike to Corrin. Going from Estelle to Rean is worse than that As much as i love Sky Trilogy (SC and 3rd are my all time fav. games ever), playing through CS just hurt me. I only have a sliver of hope that next arc changes stuff. If i see they removed the stuff i hated from CS, i will try to push through the rest of CS and get back in... But it's not looking likely. TBF though, most of the stuff i hate in CS started in the Crossbell games. Of course you should form your own view on it, and i am pretty much a villain to alot of current Falcom fans for these views. I am pretty much the Trails version of FE Elitists xD
  13. Bosses that heal themselves only really work in games like Trails, where healing has a cast time and so you can stop the boss before self heal and it's all on you if you don't (except in CS3 because falcom forgot what game design even is in CS) and in games like Fire Emblem because the information is usually clear when healing happens
  14. Ya know, that language talk reminded me of my personal life dream that i will probably never achieve Travelling all around the world, and getting to know the different cultures and stuff.
  15. I've been increasingly using english lately (as in last few years) as well. Chatting with international peeps over discord, going to meetings where people from all over the world come (before Corona ofc), researching stuff that's only available in english, etc. You can't do anything nowdays without knowing how to speak english, really. Me assigning a language to each topic is also why you find me playing all my games in english, even if a german version is available. Doing any nerd stuff in any language but english is just... wrong xD. I've been doing that since i was like 12 or something lmao. Funny Story: I was once watching an Anime with german sub, but my mind auto translated the sub automatically to english xD ^^ Tbf, while i speak 3 languages pretty well, i wouldn't say i can speak any of them perfectly, either. I was kinda speaking from experience here when i was talking about bi-lingual people, because i've been speaking all languages since i was young-ish (english is the last language i started learning, and that was when i was 10 iirc) haha. So i can confirm that the confusion is real. Travelling around alot when young makes it even more confusing xD I tried frensh when i was 12-14. Never again this so much. Me every semester: ''I'll sign up for jp classes this semester for sure!''
  16. Arabic. I did live in Egypt for quite a few years, after all. Sometimes during my studies i also wanted to pick japanese up, but the thought that i only want to learn it for nerd stuff and not real life/important stuff always kept me from doing so xD my reaction:
  17. i already have a hard enough time managing 3 languages. I kinda have to assign each language their own topic so to say. For example: German for social & most of real life, English for nerd/online stuff, etc I thought about picking up a 4th language, but eh...
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