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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Do it since you seem to like Blue haired peeps so much, go with Kloe! @DragonFlames now we just need a Plutie and a Uzume
  2. oj this looks good! Welcome to the Club 😄 even if that is gear aka NepImouto
  3. Btw @Armagon Is there a text archive of the heart to hearts somewhere? I figure it will be faster to read them than youtube them Lol Gfaq is almost 4chan lvl bad
  4. xD Atleast the Melia memes are amusing haha thx! enjoy!
  5. https://v.redd.it/bo9u09dvzfb51 Ok i was mistaken about the source, it was not ARD, but still.... Ayy The last bit is epiiiiiiiiiic. Even more epic that usual. Enjoy 😄
  6. Did you see that ARD report about german and english tourists in Spain, and then german tourists going to Bulgaria after Spain closed off again? We can hope vaccinations come fast enough, because you can't trust the public Those kind of people are the worst. Honestly, i think it's because it doesn't fall into typical anime tropes you see nowdays. Makes the game alot more approachable to people who don't like jrpgs and stuff I think it needed much more development to happen in a certain way that makes it satisfying to me.
  7. I think it's because alot of people are staying at home due to current situation, which fucks up everyone. And the idiots going to party and tourist places will let us stay at home even more. The numbers are increasing again. Morons. The lot of them. I didn't even visit my Parents due to current situation even though i've been planned to for a big ass while, and to not be a danger to myself and everyone else, meanwhile these morons ''Haha Pandemic go brrrrrrr'' get well soon!
  8. get well soon! I see i see. Well, before i start it i want to view all Heart to Hearts on youtube first because unlucking them in main game is.... yeah. They also should've had the option to import our Art arrangements from the main game lol. Yes. The Monado was everything. The ending made me go wtf It was way too non-sensical imo Yes. The character kinda dissapeared after that point But even before that they didn't have much interaction to begin with, but atleast you kinda had the characters there...
  9. So just finished Xenoblade... Tl;dr: -Gameplay super enjoyable -sense of exploration is cool, although game really needed a sprint button and/or more teleport points -Probaby the least fun i ever had with any Sidequests in any jrpg. It's so bad it actively hindered my enjoyment (i think you guys noticed this lmao) -Characters i found to be rather weak. They weren't offensive or anything, but character interaction was rather... sparce. And HtH are worse then old FE supports with their gains. Fav. Characters: Dunban, Melia, Fiora -Story was ok... however the last few hours were... weird, and i don't mean that in a good way -The Monado is probably the source of most of my problems when it comes to Story and Characters. I still need to collect my thoughts, and play future connected, but this are my 'finishing impressions' so to say. 7-8/10, not really sure xD All in all it was a fun ride, and i will definetly check the rest of the series out (mainly thanks to gameplay) but i can't help but be dissapointed in the writing tbh. I will write my full/detailed thoughts out after i finish future connected, probably xD Edit: did they change Melia's VA for FC?
  10. Why no awesome final dungeon music tho Randy.bruh
  11. Considering i am not even lvl 70... Yeah, i don't think i can do it lol. I guess it's time for la final dungeon!
  12. Xenopeeps: F for ch16 Looks quite different from Apocrypha eh?
  13. I need to finish the other Routes of Tsukihime someday. I only did Arc's route xD But the VN is just much harder to read than FSN. Not to mention we were promised a Remake like a decade ago... but FGO happened lol
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