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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. actually, i think this would be more appropiate
  2. I couldn't wait after that loooooong break xD hoho
  3. My reaction when a new Kaguya chapter gets released after a break Thanks 😄
  4. >Kaguya 196 FINALLY even if speedscans FINALLY
  5. i see Good luck with your plans! It's normal with a series like FE that has ''different gameplay types'' so to say. I am a fan Conquest, Tellius, FE5 and 3H for example, while not being big on GBA and DS. I try to look for something new & fresh in fanprojects, other people might prefer something similiar instead. It's all about one's taste 😉
  6. YES F i might give it a try after i finish XB F for the couple Prejudices is bad. getting into political arguements online are oof 90% of the time. Imagine an example like the one you posted above but irl being pro equality and defending stuff like that can get you alot of hate, especially from alt-right people.
  7. Man, i've been called SJW so much online i never thought i'd call someone out for using racist wrong xD MegaNep!
  8. While true, i am of the opinion the player should be rewarded for something like that. For Example in Radiant Dawn defense/survive maps usually end if you can defeat the boss in the given time, and you get a bonus out of it even. I am a big fan of something like that. And it shows 😉 And honestly, it's the first i look for when getting into fan projects. I don't to play just another FE clone haha Btw, have you thought about using a different engine for the sequel (afaik you're planning one, right?)? Since it seems you wanted to do more but are limited by the engine. Maybe i should, but i am kinda a stubborn person when it comes to games xD I will see hmm I don't think they are bad players per se, but they are "different". Alot of people grew up with simple GBAFE, and to them it's the pinnacle of FE gameplay, while for me peak FE gameplay is Conquest, which some people also accuse of skill bloat. FE changes systems every few games, and it's fine that way, but you will find that everyone preferes a certain system, and hates another 😉 Speaking about that, i think it should be more obvious when such a transition happens. It kinda took me by surprise when great inspiration stopped (it wasn't really clear that it did stop) since i planned all my moves with it in mind. Thankfully i did have rewind enabled for such cases xD (and for major rng screwage haha)
  9. Time for emulation Similiar thing here. I decided that all my pfps over here will be from Nep. Maybe not always Nep herself, but definetly the series YES F Umm, no. That's not how it works. He isn't saying anything about people because of their origin or ethnicity. He merely said he doesn't think anime is up to par. Liking a fictional medium over another doesn't make someone racist. Except if you are watching nazi propaganda or something.
  10. ALL OF MY YES! When i first read about this a few days ago i was like ''what now? Not a meme?'' xD
  11. so she's like Arden huh poor Tina got Zombie'fied and Arden'fied
  12. afaik she is in the Map where Salem was in Original Thracia, no?
  13. @VividerbruxteI was lurking on FeU a few hours ago and saw your post. Since i don't have an account there, I hope you don't mind if i respond to it here 🙂 First, about Skill System I actually agree with you here. Imo, FE without skills is quite...boring. It's skills that bring the needed Spice to the gameplay, so to say, and differentiate units in the same class from each other. GBA games already removed so much stuff coming from FE5, so it's hacks really need something to make the gameplay exciting and fun. Thing is though, GBA UI isn't exactly skill system friendly. Although the minimug helps with that alot, thankfully. So i am with you on this one. About Maps. Imo, i don't think Map design/size is the problem per se, but the unit amount (both player and enemy alike) and information available. Let's take a look at the map i am in atm 22 player units vs. 50 Enemy units. For alot of people that can be a bit too much. Imo, the ideal amount of units for the player to control should be between 8 (early game) and 15 (late game). Otherwise it might lead to information overload and exhaustion. It's why i tend to take longer breaks between chapters here, as 1 or 2 chapters absolutely exhaust me (last time i did chapters 12 and 12x) and leads me to taking a break. Sometimes i take a break in the chapter itself after a few turns and return a few days later. Even if it's fun, it's exhausting to control that amount of units. There's also the matter of enemy reinforcements. While thankfully became alot better to manage after chapter 8 since player has the power to oppose them, more often than not you can't stop them from coming. Sometimes killing the officer is enough, other times even if you block the reinforcements they still come (example here: Chapter 12. Even if you park a unit on the castle enemy reinforcemets will still appear from it). You also said that you didn't want the player to reset, but honestly, fielding so many units makes it very hard not to reset when you lose a unit, since you need almost every last one of them, especially if you put resources into them to train and become strong. Losing a unit is very hard to stomache. There's also the fact that in GBA you can't mark a unit and keep it marked while you plan your moves, but that's not on you, that's on the engine. There should be a fine balance between fun and exhaustion. And while the hack is fun and i am enjoying it, the exhaustion becomes kinda too much. I honestly wanted to write this after i finish the hack, but going by my pace (which is 2 chapters every 2 weeks or so) and the post you posted on feu, i decided to write some of my thoughts out now^^
  14. It mostly takes place before Suguri (10k years before) but the epilogue takes place after it yeah Don't wanna spoil
  15. Yes xD TIL Lunch box leads to getting stronk weapon xD
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