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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. What Draggy read: Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya What Draggy expected: Nep x Illya the Meme Mahou Shoujos What Draggy got: Heavens' Feel 2 - Electric Boogaloo
  2. I guess i will need to stack anti spike quatz huh reminds me when i was young (~14ish) i used to play alot of RTS (namely command and conquer) I once had a dream where armies where fighting over my school bag. And i spoke while i was asleep since my parents apparently heard me (and described dream to me haha) and stopped me from playing games for a while XD For once you might be right. Nep is more crazy than all the alcohol in the world xD
  3. Armagon be like ''When will FE get added to the collection?'' oh god that sounds bs And there's still more to come! MORE!
  4. And yes, all my complaints about Illya in e1ns and 2wei are pretty much nonexistant in 3rei
  5. to hype you up even more Chapters 21 to 43 are Peak Fate no, even more Peak Type moon
  6. Gil is at his best here as well Seriously, i hope you are enjoying it, because it will only get better from here. It's a non stop train. Compared to what's coming, First manga and 2wei were just setup. An appetizer, so to say. If you ask me, even better than F/SN itself
  7. huh i might be misremembering then xD Anyway, i am already preparing some tracks haha
  8. you sure are fast xD isn't that like chapter 10?
  9. ikr xD Atleast it's better than Rin's in UBW ep0 xD
  10. Ayy! and patience, young Fate-ling Also, this here is on all volume covers of 3rei (and some of 2wei, even)
  11. Man, all this talk about fate really brings me back sure, there was alot of toxicity back then... but there was alot of fun discussions. Art posts, contests, polls, fanfics.. Nostalgia.png
  12. don't be hasty, young Fate-ling 3rei will 500% change that 1000% even you watched UBW, right? Luvia appears at the very end and says that xD Sheroooooo! xD
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