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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Trails Before it went and became persona What's with all the games suddenly being on Mars xD Next you tell me Neptunia is on Neptune... wait a sec.
  2. Ahahaha typical Fire emblem If that isn't the mark of a Fire Emblem game, i don't know what is xD Lol xD I like the Fairy tale idea though Maybe if it had FE gameplay i would've cared about it xD
  3. ah that. Now if only they involve that in the main games and make a whole ''modern magic'' society, so to say
  4. hmm except for the Academy in 3H i can't think of anything that feels post awakening ''modern-istic''. And even the academy wasn't that 'modern' We have all that magic stuff like Warp and Dragon and god knows what Give us a nation that's actually magically advanced. Not just the magic units XD
  5. How would you balance it though so that it makes sense, that's a question as well. Like, i can imagine The ''Tech'' side would've an advantage as their tanks would be immune to most physical weapons. Hmm And how do you differentiate units from each other so that they aren't just reskins? Example: Archers would be 2-3 Range, but attack diagonally, while Rifle duded would've longer range, but can only attack in a straight line. Sniper rifles would be super long range, but have a recharge time ala Hyper beam, while Siege magic is same as usual And then we get Pegasi vs. Air Fighters..Wild xD That would be cool as well. I think FE needs to venture more into high fantasy and magitech and less into ''medieval but with some magic and dragons''
  6. So random Shrimp rumbling time Totally random and probably idiotic xD Anyway, this is an idea i've had for years that keeps popping up every now and then a ''Magic vs. Tech'' like FE basically one side would be Magic, Swords, Dragons and all that (high) fantasy stuff and the other side would be guns, Tanks, Helicopters, etc. xD
  7. Happy Birthday! welcome to the 20s The time were you become a nostalgic bitter semi-adult enjoy your stay 😉
  8. From the reviews i've seen the biggest problem of the game is that Combat is pointless. Again. Honestly, Joy cons feel uncomfortable in general @twilitfalchion If pro controllers are too expensive, try to get cabled ones. They cost 20€ over here instead of 60€ like usual pro controllers
  9. It's someone who played the original who told me that xD We were talking about the game and then he went like ''I had armor from lvl90 frogs'' I was like ''Nani'' xD His Wii also broke down before he could finish the game F
  10. :concern: Also, someone just told me about a lvl 90 frog abuse where you push them from cliff using Melia xD
  11. Tfw you go take a nap due to a headache and wake up on 2330... Oh well, time to xenoblade all night again, i guess
  12. Your local 1000 year old dragon loli because i know you love them so much
  13. Action quartz on everyone? Tried staying behind so they don't reach you first attack?
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