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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. https://www.gematsu.com/2020/07/fate-extra-record-nine-minutes-of-gameplay-another-version-trailer-and-new-details Some interesting details there
  2. Gotta say though once the sidequests in the capital ended The game became like 100 x better
  3. New party member seems to be pretty fun to play with 😄 Also that meme haha
  4. Aww i miss recruitment themes xD Also end of chspter 11 to start of chapter 12 Biggest F to Ü turn around ever
  5. Bless modern FE for that as well tbh Except for Tellius, most enemy phase themes were blegh
  6. I am more of a fan of the 'player phase' one than 'enemy phase' one xD Lol that gif You used to post it alot hehe Anyway, obstacle hype!
  7. New battle theme hype! Velvet: "I see this as an absolute win!"
  8. >Boss fight >Dunban finally about to get his revenge >Shulk goes full Baka mod and angers me >Game still gives me the needed satisfaction Phew Man, and this is just not about Xenoblade here, but i hate how alot of jrpgs handle traitors. I really hate it. Haha I left it alone for now xD
  9. Yeah I even tried to bonus exp up to lvl 57 (was 50) but titan stomp still wiped us all out lel
  10. Ermm, Armagon, are you sure there's no lvl 57 in the Valley that does the exact same thing xD I just got ultra destroyed by a Flamethrower haha
  11. :concern: Thankfully that's still a bit away xD
  12. You mean the reinforcement sidequest one? I am fighting it atm 3 game overs so far xD
  13. Man, these lvl52 giant thingies :Concern: At least they give like 5k exp each. Still, harrrrd I mean, it's for both hit and evasion, so.... XD Huh Thanks for the info^^
  14. Getting ready for Sword Valley Come at me, Mechon Bastards Imma about to turn you into scrap
  15. Best Character in the history of fiction right there If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask!
  16. Enjoy 😄 Ikr I was like "Why?" That plot point is also why i don't like miccy much. I loved her in part 1, and then wondered wtf is up with her in part 3 Than that plot point...
  17. Umu yes. That plot point was kinda ehhh Hype.gif I already hear the title screen theme just by looking at the image
  18. Let's see FE4: big empty maps.txt. Holy weapons are totally fair and balanced. Gen1 story was cool, 2nd gen is bleg FE5: Super fun, would've been more fun without Kaga bs surprises though FE6: IS biggest mistake FE7: IS 2nd biggest mistake FE8: the only not bad GBAFE FE9: Fun, but easy. The game where i learned most of my FE tactics and knowledge. FE10: An almost perfect FE game, but Part 4 maps and a certain plot point exist. Tellius 2nd Best Cast in the franchise Marth remakes and awakening: Zzz. FE14: Conquest is one of the best gameplay experience i had in my life, not jusr FE wide. The other 2 routes however... yeah xD FE15: Map design pls. Although i approve of alot of the gameplay mechanics like HP magic, combat arts and long range Archers FE16: i aporove of almosr every gameplay change it brought to series, including those expanded from Echoes. Decent Maps, best Cast and by far best Story in the series. That's boring 😛
  19. Iirc the skill was mentioned on either the boss or in their name
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