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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. I got Crossbell on the seven seas These games are very hard to get legally
  2. Even a toaster computer can run Trails in the Sky (aslong as it is a windows pc). Pc version is much much better than psp
  3. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/73739957 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/73545731 Here are some from pixiv. Searching through Musse tag (or Rean x Musse if it exists, since there's a Rean x Altina tag lol) should land you some more
  4. a classic Fate x Touhou meme. Ultimate combination. post your impressions 😉
  5. Youtube rec'd me stuff i have not listened to in like 5 years now. nope, movie 3 got delayed due to corona
  6. hehe Can't wait for your reaction on the Golden Dinner in HF
  7. We love Witches so much, we are gonna join the sorcery school for them ...
  8. Welcome to the 27, Serenes Flames of Dragons. Enjoy your stay^^ Happy Birthday 😄
  9. Troll Phase -> Touhou Phase -> Tennis Phase. Fuck the Tennis phase. So fucking hard xD Track get's also remixed for Ys 7's Penultimate battle.
  10. eh. Depends if you think Byleth = Sothis or not. And for me they are definetly 2 seperate peeps
  11. Doesn't look that bad. Still gotta try it for myself to decide though, especially since it's an action game and all If you got a dictionary and looked up the word epic... you will find ''Ys'' in one of it's meanings. This is an arrange of a track that plays in YS 2 penulatimate battle and Ys origin Routes 1/2 final battle and Route 3 penultimate Battle
  12. from the top of my head Inigo x Severa Odin x Elise not my fault the Awakening Trio are like my fav. characters in fates along Elise and Felicia xD
  13. Ys 6 Penultimate Battle + Ys 1 Final Battle theme mix ❤️
  14. You sir, are a man of culture. One of like 3 ships i love when it comes to the whole of Fates lol
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