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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Man, just had the comeback of the decade in Company of Heroes 2 We were 2 points away from defeat (like 5 seconds away from defeat basically), and then we were able to capture the victory points and hold on to them until victory 😄 Every now & again it still pops up... when people remember FSN It's all about FGO nowdays 😕 hmm Conquest, 3H and Radiant Dawn would be my top 3, gameplay wise. With conquest far ahead xD Stuff like Archers with actual Range and Gambits as well. I want most of FE16 mechanics to stay in general.
  2. Teehee! They call me the master of Maids & Legs for a reason xD
  3. All this Fate talk is making me look up old posts of mine i found this Master piece xD Maybe i should create something like this of users here xD The less i say about Story & Character of Fates the better xD As some might know, my fav. Characters in fates are The Awakening Trio, Elise and Felicia xD Radiand Dawn European normal is definetly up there in my favs. as well. But RD is also my 2nd fav. FE game after 3H, and before 3H i considered it 2nd best gameplay wise after Conquest xD. Victim blaming (as in, blaming her for what people did to her), ''making Shirou betray his ideals'', killing innocents (completely forgetting she got corrupted by the grail) and the biggest of em all is a movie 3 spoiler, so i won't mention that.
  4. but that was exactly the point of conquest though. A game for machoists like me to enjoy xD I get it though, it's not for everybody. But gameplay wise Conquest is what i think every FE should be xD Except for Ninjas, fuck em haha. Also, i think you know now why i called Nep 2 Conquest ending Nep of steel, eh? xD
  5. My problem with FE6 isn't that, as i love Conquest which punishes you much more harshily than FE6 every does. It's the fucking shitty Rng with having fucking 50 hit while having weapon traingle advantage wtf. add to that some of the shittiest maps to be known to the series and the worst ambush spawns ever and you get one of the worst games ever created. Umu Mind of Steel ending is a fan favourite. There's another one which is also a fan fav. it's so rad, it doesn't even get to be a Bad ending. you just get an ''End'' when you get it. Spoilers for Movie 3 though, so... They blame the poor girl for everything bad 😕 Some also hate her because Shirou finally decided to not be a hero because of her, but to priotize close people. Ya know, him being finally the closest thing to a human, and they hate her for that 😕
  6. Bad End 26 - If Shirou doesn't bond with Illya enough https://lparchive.org/Fatestay-night/Update 386/ aka what should've actually happened xD Bad End 30 - If Shirou let Rin do what she wanted to do at the Church https://lparchive.org/Fatestay-night/Update 310/ Bad End 35 - Bringing it down at the end of the Movie https://lparchive.org/Fatestay-night/Update 349/ The movie mixed Bad Ends 30 and 35 together in the form of a monologue for Shirou. Was really really well done. The Movies do Shirou much more justice than the UBW Anime ever did. I hope you know now why he is like one of my fav. protags ever xD actually, it wasn't until what movie 3 will adapt that cemented that. I'm really glad you're warming up to Sakura^^ She has a big hate train going on for her. From Victim blaming (like calling her unironically used goods Yikes) to worm jokes to anything you can imgaine. truely hated by the universe.
  7. Well, they made it more epic than it originally was xD I wonder how they will do the truely epic stuff. Oh man oh man oh man just remembering the upcommig stuff Or that one super bad ass bad ending mouth watering. not exactly Yummy golden Dinner xD Here. Got surprised alot it seems 😄 Yuuup. Now you see why she is trying to protect Shirou from everything And why she is losing it all He is the light of her life. Ah, i remember, i promised i will give you some bad ends, right? Until you respond to to this post i will go collect some^^
  8. Wait until movie 3 hehe This is one of the smaller ones in HF the last third is a R I D E. It goes off the rails harder than anything you can imagine. Let me tell you i was watching that in a Cinema... when Shinji one went '''ENDLICH!'' And everyone cheered lmaaaaaaaao. xD But now you truely know what a scumbag shithead shinji is. Mid part (first half of Movie 2) is the weakst part of HF, i will say it like that. If they adapt Movie 3 right... oh boy. how did you like this ed btw? or the Golden Dinner? Or Sakura in general?
  9. And to add to that, in places where the police has been respectful and co-operating, everything is ok. like We shouldn't hold civilians to higher standards than the police. It should be the other way around.
  10. I may know that. You may know that. Tell that to the one who has been getting discriminated all these years and whenever he tried to peacefully stand up he gets yelled at, sneered at, shot at and murdered. As i said, i am against the riots, but i understand them. Their anger. There are also those who abuse the situation. And all of them should be punished. But the police should be punished first. still, trying to imagine some one i know in the situation and being randomly shot at... Yikes. I know i wouldn't respond happily to people telling me to shut up and live my life like it was normal. And to be more angry at some material belongings over the lifes lost.. When i was talking with my dad over the phone earlier today, he said the same thing, how destroying stuff is senseless and useless. And i agree with that. But there's sometimes a certain point is reached where you can't control the anger anymore. And we shouldn't divert from all the police brutality happening by talkig about riots. Police brutality that is the reason for all of this happening in the first place. And this is the point i brought up earlier. Material belongings shouldn't be equated with human lives. The scales are waaaay different.
  11. What about innocent lives who've already been lost? It's normal to feel anger over those. Especially after all these years. This video explains it very well. why should they care about the livelihoods of others, if they are getting murdered randomly? Those who don't speak up against injustice are silent Devils. How many times did these ''innocent'' people just shut up infront of discrimnated lives just to preserve the status quo? How many of these ''innocent'' people did vote for a person that said explicitly multipe times that he is ready to fuck over minorities? Why should the discriminated people care then? There comes a moment where innocent isn't really innocent anymore, and that moment has since long passed. And as we saw from some good examples, in places where police doesn't go full brutal police mode the protests have been peaceful. Again, i don't agree with these riots, but their anger is understandable. And there are people abusing the chance. However those riots should not be given a higher importance than lives lost. It's the police who started this, and is still pulling bs.
  12. When a society cares more about it's material belongings than the lives of it's people, then that society deserves riots. I don't agree with rioting myself, but i 100% understand them. And let's not forget it's the police who attacked the protesters first in most placed. The riots only happened after brutal police response. In places where police was peaceful protests were also peaceful. There're areas where police shots people like this https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/gtsaam/please_make_this_go_viral_i_am_begging_you_police/ And other areas were cops are being humans, like https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/gttn56/cops_in_flint_laid_down_all_their_gear_and_start/ Guess which leads to riots and which leads to co-existence. TL;DR: treat people with respect if you don't want riots
  13. Incesteehee Illya in prisma is a completwly differwnr character
  14. I was never able to clear smb1 either tbh what i remember from my kiddy days is game over'ing at one of world 8's levels due time out Time out right before the flag I still remember it xD
  15. That's... something xD Did you try modern ones Best Waifu
  16. Plays super Thracia Tbf what isn't useless in FE6 Even the lord is a useless sack of potatoes.
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