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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. atleast you didn't have the situation where all the courses you wanted to visit where offered at the same time. alway Tuesday to thurday, 10 to14 o'clock always all of them xD
  2. I see i see. What alot of people are missing is the work/study/library/team atmosphere. solution: Don'T select any early lectures xD
  3. You are the first person i see who says that xD Everyone i know hates this, and can't study at all xD
  4. When i am angry and want to punch stuff, i get a violent game to let me punch stuff in it xD also i miss coffee. And being the only non-drinker in parties is...awkward... xD
  5. I mean i am 27 but inside i am probably 7 or something xD
  6. time for me to write a fight scene, oh boy. (+3 QP. Total: 15 QP) Chapter 6: The Mock Battle ''Show me what you can do, young Musse!'' And so the fight starts. It was me against his highness. Swords aren't his main weapon either, but he has more experience than me. But it's fine. Aslong as i hold out until Professor, Claude and other clear up the rest, we can win. I think back to the planning session we had. ''Musse,'' Claude tells me, ''I want you on the front with Teach.'' ''Remember my lessons well, Musse.'' Professor continues, ''While we hold them from the front, Marianne will support from behind us while Claude and Lysithea attempt to flank them with their longer range. I will proceed fast to cover them when necessary.'' ''Right.'' Claude confirms, ''It's a shame though, i wanted to use that other tactic.'' ''No.'' The Professor responds. ''What was the other Tactic?'' I ask them. ''Ya know, nothing spectacular, just putting something in their food.'' ''Oh my. That would've been quite the sight, Teehee.'' His highness moves forward. I face him also by moving forward. I slash with my sword. He tactfully evades, then attempts, to strike back. I fall back as well. From my right i can see Professor taking out Ashe, while Claude was able to surprise Hubert. I block a strike. I move in to attempt another strike. He naturally blocks it, and strikes back. I am losing my footing. But around me i am seeing that our tactic is succeeding. Claude and Lysithea, with the help of Marianne are finishing up the Black Eagles and are heading to help Professor, who got surprised by something from Mercedes Bow while holding off Dimitri. Probably Tita's contribution to the battle. I fall back. His Highness pursues. I try to slash at him. The result was me getting disarmed. But it was already over. His Highness is now sorrounded five to one. ''Alright, alright,'' he drops his sword and raises his hand, ''I know when to give up.'' Does he? And so... ''The winner of thise mock battle is... The Golden Deer house!'' The Professor's father announces the winner. That night, a small celebration followed. ''Teehee.'' *Time skip* I wake up to the morning sun. We have free today. I wonder what i should do. Wouldn't be a bad idea to hang out with some of my Classmates before i meet up with Tita and Olivier for Lunch. With that in mind, i eat breakfast and head to meet up with... Choice 1: Claude. I would like to get to know more about that shrewd mind of his. Choice 2: Hilda. Maybe the girl has information to share? Choice 3: Lorenz. As nobility, he has to know something, not to mention he doesn't seem against the idea of talking with me. Choice 4: Lysithea. Maybe she can give me some magic pointers, not to mention she seems to be fond of sweets as well. Choice 5: Marianne. She could give me some pointers for healing magic, while i can figure out her secrets. Choice 6: Leonie. She could tell me more about how the average person on Fondlan lives, not to mention information about the Professor's mercenary company. Choice 7: Raphael. As the son of merchants, he must've seen something not everyone has seen before, right? Choice 8: Ignatz. He wants to be an artist, right? Maybe i could ask of him to paint Rean for me.
  7. I don't know if i will get it tomorrow or in 2 weeks, so you aren'T alone
  8. for me it's when they try to highlight a characters ''fanserviceness'' too much it turns me off. Yeah, i get it, you are hot. Anything else to you?
  9. Here's to 30 more years of birds chirping! ^^
  10. sadly not. he doesn't see them, only hear them
  11. My grand uncle has a bird family near his apartment that has been there for a looooooooooooooooooong time, he tells me. Always in spring/summer he hears their chirping
  12. American airforce chasing off russian spy plane in the nature, 2020, colorized xD
  13. Yeah, i meant Tears to Tiara 2. looks like something i would play
  14. PS3 games themselves, when properly ported, don't require a strong pc. A Weak pc can run them fine (Cold Steel games being an example). However most companied don't know how to port xD And Emulating is a completely different matter. Will probably be a decade before i can play Tears to Tiara lol
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