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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. tell me of which characters you need icons and i can see if the dicords i am in have them and post them here. 👍
  2. Thanks xD i know of some people saw this they will never let it go xD I want a Trails SRPG lol. The system is already there. It can very easily be carried over to SRPG form
  3. OST: Zeiss City Theme Interlude 2: The Mother of Technology This is a story from a long time past. Of Heroes that came to our life and dissapeared just as fast. Of a Hero that... ''Hey Annie, are you ready to head home? Your Husband is coming back today, after all!'' ''Let me just finish writing this, Mercie.'' ''You are writing about her? I do miss her quite a bit, too, but we will surely meet again someday!'' ''I am sure we will, Mercie, and wherever she is, she is surely part of a legend, just as she was part of ours.'' ...lead to Fodlan's technological revolution. She was a bright girl that suddenly joined the Blue Lions back before the war of time. A girl who had knowledge far beyond any human on Fodlan. Who, despite the danger to her own life, used that to knowledge to the advantage of all. No matter the adviersery, no matter the danger, she always was there to help. If it wasn't for her, i wouldn't be here today. If it wasn't for her, Professor von Essar wouldn't have advanced his crest research that rapidly, or made crest-like powers accessible to everyone. If it wasn't for her, we would've never found out the secrets behind Agartha's advanced technology. If it wasn't for her and her companions, the truth would've never come to light. I once asked her where all her stregth and courage comes from. She responded with a story. A story that started with a girl who shone like the sun. A story that is now known across all of Fodlan as ''The Legend of Heroes''. The Legend of The Bright Sun, The Thousand-Hand Guardian, The Police's Hero and The Ashen Chevalier. Heroes that children and young men and women accross the world now look up to. This book is written in the memory of one of my best friends. A companion of the Four Heroes, and a companion of Fodlan's Heroine of Time. It will tell the Tale of Tita Russell, and the legacy she left behind on Fodlan. 'This should be enough for an introduction.' I put my pen down and pepare to leave my office. ''I am ready, Mercie, let's go!'' ''Alright!'' My best friend responds and picks up her bag. ''Can you help me with dinner preparations today, Mercie?'' I ask her. ''Of course, Annie, it's no problem,'' She responds, ''I won't be able to stay for long though, gotta leave earely so you can enjoy some family time with your husband and son.'' ''Don't rush yourself. You know you are always welcome at my home any time, Mercie. You are family! And i doubt Felix will mind, either.'' I tell her with a smile. Before i leave the office i look back at a painting in the office. A painting of three girls. Me, Mercie and Tita, back when we were all part of the Blue Lions. 'Back then, we needed someone to paint us to record memories and information.' I think to myself, 'Nowdays it can all be done with a magical camera! How Technology has advanced, and it's all thanks to her.' Near the painting there's a picture made with a magical camera. It's a picture of me, Annie and Prof. von Essar after i got my professor title in this very institute i am working in. By then Tita and her friends had already left Fodlan and returned to Zemuria. ''We will all meet some day, right, Mercie?'' I ask my best friend as i close the office door behind me. ''Yes, Annie. We all will. The Heroes of Fodlan and Zemuria will all meet some day, when we've all finished our journeys.'' She answers me with a smile as we are walking towards the exit. 'Yes, for our journey is not over, yet. Neither is theirs.' I think to myself. But it's not a problem. It's these journeys and the challenges we face in them that shape us, and make us who are. And as Heroes, we've to face these challenges with a smile. 'For only those with hope can create a bright future.' Leaving the Royal Institute of Magical Technology behind us, we walk through the capital's streets and take in the sights. Seeing all the happy people on our way home only reinforces our resolution. For our struggles are not in vain. Interlude 2, End. I hope you all enjoyed this slightly different Interlude. And is it me, or are the interludes better written than the main chapters... I think i need to get a better grip on Musse's Character hmm
  4. I hate 90% of the time. The rest 10% i love it because of it's music recs.
  5. No Shrimpy, you can't do that. You can't just be the last post like that. Shrimpy: haha posts go brrr
  6. One of the basics of rts: tanks resist fire
  7. Information sheet updated! Quest complete: Reaction of Time QP awared: 3 (+5 Bonus) (QP for other choices: Choice 2: 3(+2), Choice 3: 3) Rank up: F -> E! Next Rank up at 25 QP. Important Information get!
  8. Chapter 4: Time's Reaction I am not needed here anymore. My classmates are holding fine, and so are my companions. The best course of action would be to head to the class leaders and help them. If they even need my help. But even then, i will still acquire infromation on their fighting styles, should we ever butt heads. I head to their direction, and spot them fighting bandits... along 2 unknown figures. A green haired young man and an old blonde man. They are effortlessly pushing the bandits back. As expected, Claude is using his bow. However it's my first time seeing the other 2 fight. The Imperial princess seems to be proficient with the Axe, while the kingdom heir is mainly a lance user. As they finish off the bandits, i head to talk to them, however... the Bandit leader suprisingly stood back up again, and attacked the Black Eagles Leader. As i start casting Insight in order to help Edelgard evade the attack... I feel a negative reaction from my Arcus unit while the green haired swordsman pushed the bandit back. ''What?'' I mutter to myself. There should be no one intrupting my casting nearby. I doubt people of this continent even know how to impede casting arts. Even monsters we met while travelling after we arrived here couldn't do that. Yet what happened here? Before i head to the now safe class leaders, i take out my Arcus unit to check it. What i find out is something that can not be explained. Something i should mention to Tita when i have the chance, in hope she could explain it. I find my equipped Time Quartz, a Cast 3 Quartz, shattered. ... *Time Skip* After that, we returned to the academy. Only having a small chance to speak with Tita, i remember her words. ''I don't know what could've caused this, Musse. For now, you should equip low level Time Quartz so i can research this without losing one of our limited high level ones.'' As i think about her words, i remember about the 2 men that accompanied us back to the academy. They are from a known Mercenary band, and the old man used to be a famous knight of the church. The green haired young man, Byeth Eisner, then became our Teacher. Professor Eisner. I hope he isn't a failure like the last one. His combat abilities are much better, at least, from what i've witnessed. And now we're preparing for the mock battle that will happen next week. The professor is assigning us to work in groups of two today, with one of the students working with him, since the class has nine students. I wonder who i should team up with... Choice 1: Ask Professor Eisner for a private lesson. That should improve my sword prowress quite a bit, not to mention i am curious about that green hair of his. Choice 2: Team up with Lysithea. Maybe that can help me with this continent's magic. A cake would help, too. Choice 3: Help Marianne with her training. I could find out why she's so sad all the time, and what secrets she's hiding. Choice 4: Plan with Claude a tactic in advance for the mock battle. I am sure the two of us could cook up something the other classes won't see coming, Teehee ✰.
  9. Tfw every enemy tank you destroy get's replaced by 2 Company of Heroes can be brutal sometimes... scratch that, it's brutal every time
  10. 30 minutes xD https://fe-tier-list-maker.github.io/
  11. I did a thing also Teehee chapter a bit later today because i gotta do some stuff (and because poll too close don't wanna write chapter in advance)
  12. I think nobility, family and affection could work. Mainly the first two though
  13. hehe you remind me when i used to hack pokemon and send Liligants around https://old.reddit.com/r/Pokemongiveaway/comments/5mz1ie/7th_34_battle_ready_lilligant_giveaway/ 3 years already huh
  14. already finished all of them That would be super cool :3
  15. It depends on setting really. Having a war setting then making the story go happy go lucky is something that takes me out very fast. War stories should be tragic grimdark. Something like that could work if there's a generation split ala FE4. As an example, imagine at the end of gen1 FE4 there's a "escape with x units objective" Those would then survive and be there in Gen2. Just as an example
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