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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Interlude 1: Newcomer to the Abyss This Place is definetly a strange one. In all my time as a deliquent and later on as a Bracer, i never saw a place like quite like this one. An Underground city full of people from all different kinds of life. On one hand, this will could be quite the source of Information... On the other, as a Bracer, seeing a place full of suffering like this is something i can not accept. But nothing can be done about it now. The others are doing their best to collect enough information to return home. I have to do the same. I hope that brat is careful though. ''She should be fine.'' I tell myself. After all, she is a strong girl. Tita won't fall that easily. And the phony prince should be able to take care of himself. Green hair is no slouch, either, from what i've seen since i set foot on this land. ''Jo, Agate!'' I hear someone calling for me, ''Up for a spar?'' It's one of the Students of Abyss, Balthus. He, along with Hapi, Constance and their leader, Yuri, make up what's knows as the Ashen Wolves. ...I really hope Yuri and the phony prince never meet. I agree to the spar and we head to a place where we can do just that. After all, i am now one of the Ashen Wolves as well. I better get along with them. Even if me and their leader will probably never get along. He reminds me too much of the phony prince... and of Green hair as well. Unbeknownst to me, after the spar i will find something. Something... that definetly does not belong to this place. Interlude 1, End. Since the poll is still open until tomorrow, i decided to write this small Interlude from Agate's viewpoint instead. Tell me if you want more Interludes from the PoV of other characters (including 3H), or if i should only stick to teehee girl from now on^^
  2. She's too innocent for that degenrate student council XD But yeah, i am expecting greatness from her. Kaguya sama does not dissapoint so far.
  3. Edit: @DragonFlames listened to the tracks especially the first two and Girl of the Opera
  4. Thirty-seven thousand eight hundred seventeen
  5. Plan: Take a 2 hour nap Take a shower Write Teehee chapter Cook some food Go shopping Reality: 'nap' until 9 pm Nice... Not <.< Now i don't even have food for tomorrow <.< *puts on listen list*
  6. Does that look like the face of teehee Mercy?
  7. ''caught you!'' Welcome to the Club ;_; 😮 that sounds sick
  8. I am the Teehee of my Musse Teehee is my Body and Teehee is my Blood Have uttered over a thousand Teehees Unknown to Alisa, nor known to Laura Have withstood rivals to seduce Rean many times So, those hands will soon hold Rean's bod So as i flirt, UNLIMITED TEEHEE WORKS!
  9. Get well soon and take care of yourself! Stomach pains are no joke <.<
  10. Waking up at half 4 in the morning that is life
  11. step 1 to becoming a popular writer XD 👍 Ya know, speaking about writing When i was young i used to absolutely detest it. And honestly, still do when i am forced to do it for work/uni stuff. But in the last few years i've been enjoying putting my thoughts into paper, so to say XD
  12. source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/81773352 Best Girl, Sailor edition. Umu. But too much work, no? xD Like for the Nep analysis post i already had everything planned in my head... but the amount of writing... xD
  13. Reminds me that i wanted to write a Nep character analysis wall post some day... But too lazy xD Well, i will just leave what was suppossed to be the Title of the post over here: Neptune, the selfless selfish CPU
  14. For me the scene that stuck out the must is Nep and Planeptune Citizens hehe. You did? When? I don't remember you saying so at all! xD
  15. You want Edelgard and Musse in the same Class, while Olivier and Claude wreck chaos in the Deer? xD Going by current Results: Musse will join the Deers, while Olivier and Tita will each join one of the other classes
  16. Well, we got the new makes (sha characters) instead. Inb4 they get the boot, too Neptunes and Uzume made MegaNep for me. Nepgear and Uni were cool there, true, but i wouldn't call them face of the game/receiving favoritism. But it's also true that MegaNep is what warmed me up on the Candidates.
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