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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Totally 0 pressure... Tbh though, More fun would be Edelgard and Olivier. Yes, this is what i am looking forward to writing the most xD
  2. Information sheet: Party: Name: Musse Egret Companions: Olivier Lenheim, Agate Crosner, Tita Russell Quest Points: 31 Quest Rank: D (C at 45 QP) Goals: Infiltrate Fodlan. Collect Information. Return Home. Get hold of Rean's bod. Make everyone Teehee as much as you do. Completed Quests: Infiltrate the Officer's Academy: 4 QP Reaction of Time: 3 QP (+5) Mock Battle: 3 QP Bandit clean up: 3 QP The Aquatic Capital: 3 QP (+4) Exploring Abyss: 6 QP Important Items: Stone with a strange engraving Important Information: Time Quartz reacting to something. Society is active. Bracer Badge, Gralsritter Badge and Gehenna's Gates in Abyss. Support Levels: Byleth: C Claude: C Hilda: C Lysithea: C Ignatz: C Marianne: C This post will get updated with current Goals and stuff. Hopefully you are all enjoying this XD
  3. Chapter 2: A New Adventure, Teehee ✰ Primitive. That's all you can think about since you've set foot on this land. You don't even know how you and your companions arrived here to begin with. One day the three of you and an univited guest were researching... and the next day you find yourself in a strange place that makes Zemuria pre Orbal evolution look like a technological marvel. The four of you have since explored the lands and learned the following: You are on a continent called Fodlan. The continent is ruled by three countries and a centeral church. The Nobility in this continent makes the worst nobles of Erebonia look like Angels. The Nobility has so much power thanks to Crests, whatever they are. You turn to your allies to plan your next move. ''So, any idea what we are gonna do next?'' Asks your read headed companion, Agate, looking pretty annoyed. Before you could answer him however, some one else does. A certain troublesome Prin... musician. ''Calm down, my dear Agate. Take this as a chance to relieve old memories of us travelling unknown places together! We already conquered Liber Ark and Phantasma, i am sure our Love can even overcome this strange place and send us home!'' ''Shut up you phony prince, take it seriously for once.'' The red haired man responds in a familiar way, as if they did this many times before. And the blonde girl, Tita, joins in on the fun as well... You feel like an outsider. The three of them already know each other and went on adventures together. You only know Tita as a fellow school mate and Olivier as a fellow person of taste. Well, and being Prince Olivert of course, but that's another matter. ''How about we infiltrate the Monastery?'' You tell them, trying to get their attention. ''We can do that,'' answers the blonde technican, ''but there's a small problem. Namely, we have to hide our weapons and orbments. Two of us are mainly Art users, Musse, and i also use an orbal cannon. I don't think we can just use our weapons in the open like that.'' ''Then how about infiltrating as students?'' suggests Olivier, ''Musse and Tita here are already students to begin with, and i would love to get another chance to relive my school life again.'' ''What about me, then?'' asks Agate. ''You could either join the same class as Tita, or maybe join the Church itself to get more information for us. It's for you to decide.'' You tell him. ''Anyway, since our course of action is decided, which class shall each of us join?'' Asks Tita. ''Well,'' responds Olivier, ''Since she's the one who started it all, how about we let Musse decide which class to join first?'' As they all look to you for an answer, you decide to join... Choice 1: The Black Eagles. You are from an Empire after all, so it only makes sense to infiltrate fellow imperials. Choice 2: The Blue Lions. They seem like the most noble of the bunch. You will fit right in. Choice 3: The Golden Deer. From the information you got, their leader is most interesting. Not to mention there you will get to know people from all different walks of life.
  4. Time to write the next chapter of teehee quest. Bad writing intensifies shall we as usual blame Floridaman
  5. ....hopefully it won't be that bad tonight, considering i slept a total of 1 hour last night lol Then again, it isn't that hot here atm (22 + cloudy, which is quite ok)... Or maybe because i didn't sleep enough i am not feeling the heat lol
  6. Random Stella Glow Art because this game needs more recognition
  7. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1138100/Touhou_Ibunseki__Ayaria_Dawn_ReCreation/?beta=0 Dat Artstyle though
  8. +3 ATK intensifies Megadimension Nep Arc though
  9. Interesting... Internet was whack here yesterday as well
  10. Chapter 1: The Stone and the Coin You decide to pursue the legend of the Crest of Fire. However, during your search and research, all you find is some kind of Ancient Coin and a Stone with a strange engraving. Next night you dream of a Battlefield. A Battlefield that makes all the wars and battles you learned about look like a Schoolyard fight. You now know you are on the right path, but maybe this won't be as easy you expected it to be. Before you continue to pursue the unknown, you think maybe it's ok to ask for some help. Choice 1: Then again, it's better to go solo. It's all for your objective, Rean's bod, after all, and you don't want to share that bod with anyone else. Choice 2: You decide to ask your former schoolmates, her Highness Princess Alfin and her aide and Rean's younger sister, Elise Schwarzer. If there's anyone you are willing to share Rean's bod with, it's these two. Not to mention the Princess might have access to some stuff that could help you. Choice 3: You decide to ask the school's Loligineer, Tita Russell, for help. Her connections to the Bracer Guild, especially that A-Rank Bracer, and to the Royal families of both Liberl and Erebonia, not to mention her own adventures in different places, might prove to be a huge boon for you. And maybe you can both help each other get the man you fancy. Choice 4: You decide to ask Instructor Randy for help. After all, he has alot of experience that could help you. Not to mention that blue haired companion of his, who definetly is not a normal girl. But then again, you aren't a normal girl, either. Or maybe there's someone else you can think of? (Write-in, only non-Class 7 members allowed). While thinking it over, you decide to get a bit of sleep to prepare for the long day ahead of you. You dream of another Battlefield. A Battlefield where Panzersoldat like beings are fighting Dragons.
  11. Depends on what you want from it. It has: 7 Maps (some recycled from main game, quality varies from good to bad), lore, dun characters, fun Classes
  12. FE4: Doors of Destiny FE5: Near Defeat FE8: Determination FE9: Crimea Attacks FE10: Eternal Bond FE12: Endless Battle FE13: Conquest FE14: Dark Fall FE15: Final Map theme FE16: Blue Skies and a Battle
  13. That's a bug pretty sure. Units should reappear
  14. from the videos i saw, i think so. Not sure though. Be wary though that he has 20 Mov and can escape with captured targets pretty easily This game makes the most unbalanced game you ever played look balanced lol
  15. Let him capture one of your units and then crit him with Eyvel/Dagdar
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