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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Man, i know it won't happen and that there's 0 chance that it will happen.. but i really really hope these games will crash, haaaaaaaaard.
  2. And got another person into NepNep! I also got the same person into FE before... Maybe i should change my name in ''FeNeprophet''? xD
  3. Doesn't mean you can catch them or they are available. Could be event mons down the line.
  4. was announced during a small interview. In the code =/= in the game.
  5. When you randomize T776 and get 30 Leadership Stars by Chapter 2
  6. This is getting better by the second.. Seriously, how can anyone to be pissed off and excited for this? I can't understand that.
  7. huh what about now? https://i.imgur.com/smIlvYI.png https://i.imgur.com/WkAKePh.png One more of best girl https://i.imgur.com/y4AtKGB.jpg Edit: ummm, why aren't images auto inserting anymore?
  8. to those who forgot what the leak was about Honeslty, it sounded pretty interesting, but at the same time, a bit edgy and something that could go wrong very fast
  9. Meanwhile me as a kid went catching lvl70 legendaries with lvl40-50 Team and had to fight using everything i have and be smart. What the flying fuck gamefreak?
  10. Not only Neptunia has different Dimensions xD The Multiverse is a canon thing in F/SN (And there's even a weapon that can absorb power across dimesnions). F/SN Illya is the onee-chan, in Miyuverse Shirou is Miyu's Onii-chan. In Prismaverse he is pretty much a normal guy who is the butt of all harem jokes XD Too busy running after Crow he forgot about Elsie 😛 Airhead/War Princess Duality :3
  11. I am ready to go in, GUNS BLAZING. Also, i spot a new avi.
  12. I am gonna spice up this Onee-chan war... By adding Onii-chans to the mix! Imouto > The World
  13. Did someone say Onee-chan wars? Time to post best onee-chan!
  14. Umu No excuses. NOW! What excuse can be accepted to not listen to the arrange?
  15. Tbf, with op Characters like that, it's very hard for anything to feel like an asspull or something. I mean, shares are basically power of friendship when CPUs believe in each other XD I used to be like that before my illness, kinda. I used to cram exam in a few days so i can have a long ass summer vacation without any exams at the end of it. Many people just moved exams to October, i was like ''nah, i am doing 4 exams this week, 2 after, then 2.5 Months completely freeeeeeeeeeeee!!'' xD Now... me after the illness xD. I just can't be my old self again 😕 Also, i now am 100% sure you're a student 😛 xD Good luck good luck 😄 this xD
  16. Your friends are welcome! The more pets the better. Nepu the dragon Master is here!
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