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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. I would've suggested you watch the whole series, but there're HF spoilers there and you didn't finsh HF yet. But i remember when i found it back then 12 episodes of non-stop laughing xD
  2. Carnival Phantasm best fate how the grail war is truely fought
  3. Because i am evil *Muhahahahahahahahahahahahaha* Here's an anti-despresso
  4. Attack on Titan Ch.123 weeeeeeeeeeeew Thanks for the kind words^^ Honest tho, if i were to recommend one of them, i would recommend ''A Mother's Failure''. For your yearly shot of despresso. I hope i don't xD
  5. Ayy Big Nepsy cosplaying as a GBF character :3 Yup yup, it is. But i think monster collecting is one of those games better on a console. Thank you thank you^^ My Life for my studies, sounds legit xD But yeah, i truely should. It's the last step before graduation
  6. Biggest problem for me with 3DS gens is imo the lack of a post game. Where the hell is the post game? I am one of the few who love Gen 7 due to the changes they did and finally removing HMs. But the post game consisted of 1 route.... Gen2/3/4/5 had so much more. Gen 2 and Gen 2 remakes had a whole fucking region open in the post game. Showdown will just make a USUM+ meta including the 80 or so new pokemon Nice Nice. Thanks for the mini read up! I should get it some time. Maybe when i get a switch as a replacement for pokemon... OOF. Good luck. I am in a smiliar boot atm with my thesis having to write ~60 Pages or so by early next month. I was hoping to get a 'first version' done or so by yesterday, but i am still at the first part of documenting lmao. I hate documenting, as i said many times before... Worse yet, everytime i try to write something for uni... i write Nepfics instead.
  7. you played them? How are they? i have been thinking of getting them some day as a ''monster collecting'' game as i am kinda missing the genre, but at the same time i am kinda afraid it will bore me out. And how are the random encounters in them? Can you go around them ala Pokemon? While Nep Dream is dead, Adol Dream still alive! Honestly, Dexit is just a drop in the sea of dissapointments for me tbh (As i usually only used transfers post game anyway). It's just when you compare every other Series you grew up with with Pokemon, you see how it's just the same Pokemon as always, and that instead of evolving they keep cutting features. So 'Dexit' didn't really change my decision as i was not going to buy new pokemon game anyway unless it heavily evolved like how every other Ninty game dead. But it's sad to see how they keep removing features, make the game cost more and people will still defend them. Also Dexit is a horrible name as it could refer to something else irl that i never ever want to happen xD truely regretera
  8. Mai Shiranui too lewd for Smash. RIP the Nep dream ikr? So if reactionary dudes like them who REEEEEEE at everything are ok with one of the more controversial gaming decisions, i don't think many people will mind, either. Pokemon will never evolve
  9. so decided to take a look at regretera (a mistake i know) and exactly why GF will get away with it. Casuals probably don'T even know about the whole thing
  10. they don't care because people will still buy the games and defend them
  11. Nep dreaming about all the different Bad Ends and solving them, leading somehow to happy ends
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