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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. You're sumanai Why is the FE premium arrange so good *_*
  2. Good luck with all that you have to do! I agree yeah, organizing new home stuff is one of the most tiring, exhausting and annoying things one can do. Thankfully, usually one has to do it only once every few years. 『Neptune 』 has left. there's a reason why in every inter-CPU fight they all team up against her xD
  3. Detective Nep and the mystery of share collection
  4. *conquest intensifies* She isn't happy all the time, but quite often she is xD Also, this is one of the scenes i will never forget For me she looks like she is thinking about her life and/or regretting something. Infact, thanks to that picture i wrote that snip lmao ... i seriously should work on rl stuff instead. Also, what person can stop Neptune xD She can literally cut through dimensions haha
  5. Guys, please be careful with your Spoilers 😭
  6. Banned for not helping me with my Thesis
  7. Get well soon! And please, try to not let it affect you too much.
  8. I would argue Millium is a loli, but eh, i am not really the type to care if a character is a loli or not xD
  9. Waifu wars are serious business. would loli fiesta be more accurate then xD
  10. Progress on documenting here going in turtle speed >.<
  11. Fire Emblem imoutos huh? I summon the Julia Squad! @Strullemia
  12. Shall i introduce you to Nepgear's Lord and Savior... The Gehaburn?
  13. Apparently people do not like it that much due to pacing, hand holding and unskipable Story. It didn't bother me that much, but it was definetly annoying, especially the handholding. I have been playing games since i was a kid <.< Gameplay changes however i really loved, from HMs being gone, to big boss battles instead of Gyms, to the difficulty being fine if you didn't use EXP share, etc.. Gen 3 also had gen 1 remakes to trade games from though. And another way iirc to get gen 2 pokemons.
  14. >posting Illya against the Illya Master Is it time to take out my 300+ illya image album?
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