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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. So finished Dragon Star Varnir (True End) Imo, this is IF/CH's best non-Neptunia game. While the story is pretty predictable, the real treat is how the Characters grow together and try to live in the tragedy that is their life. Between all the sadness, death and despair, normal life and happy moments are just a treat, and are worth so much more. Not to mention how Characters prespictive change through the Story. And between all the sadness, while the characters are sometimes close to giving up, they don't, and try their best to solve the misery they are in. Gameplay is also pretty fun. It's Radiant Historia, but in 3D. Right down to traps not affecting big bosses xD One thing i really love about the game is the Skill System. Using 'devour' Attacks, you can devour the enemies and steal the attacks and skills of your enemies and unlock then use them for yourself. It makes for great customizability, and some of the most fun i ever had in Menus in rpgs. Of course, such a system comes with limits as to not break the system too much. Each ability has an equipment Cost, and the total cost can not exceed 20 for each type (Physical, Magical, Devour and passives). You can also only 'equip' max. 5 skills of each type at a time. The devour system also helps with dealing with annoying tanky late game mobs which plagues almost every jrpg, since with devour Attakcs you have a chance (which you can increase) to one shot enemies. Really makes the game more fun & smooth. Doesn't work on Bosses of course (but you still get their Attacks when you defeat bosses). The music is also pretty damn good! Also, fellow Falcom peeps might recognize some stuff in there 😉 Honestly, the only stuff i am meh about are some plot points that happen late game, because they kinda happen a bit too fast/rushed, and the 'gift'/Harem sytem, but that's optional and doesn't affect the Story so eh. Now, i've noticed alot of people aren't happy with a so-called 'sister system'. To explain what it is without making a wall-o-text, it's an anti grind mechanic/time limit. As long as you don't grind and fight every enemy you meet once, you should be good to go really for the true ending. Otherwise, Normal or Mad ending. I'd say between 7.5 and 8/10, leaning more towards 7.5 tho
  2. Banned for singing the Song of Ruin instead of the Song of Courage
  3. So as i pray, UNLIMITED BLADE WORKS Honestly, very late game (3rd route, lvl80+) i was running around with 250%+ EXP and double damage, one shotting monsters for a lvl up xD (i was playing on highest difficulty, so it was either i one shot them or them me) Made me only fight 40% of the monsters per dungeon or so late game.
  4. It really really sucks. After the whole thing you think to yourself ''what have i been doing all the time?'' I should've followed that discussion more closely, as afaik these games are by the same developer as Stella Glow, and if you loves SG, you highly likely will love those
  5. Keep us updated! Ugh, today has been a total waste. Instead of finishing a game, i've been arguing on reddit for the whole day. I hate such days
  6. guys, we need to post at a time when the mods are asleep and post fast 1
  7. Perfect for the Switch! Let's see which route you will land on first
  8. enjoy @DragonFlames 😄 I definetly had fun with it. Especially the gameplay >Tiara Oh boy haha The gameplay is definetly Neptun-ish, but with more options and difficulties.
  9. Wait, it was? I listened to it after every episode so i probaby didn't remember it xD
  10. a few years ago: ''Why don't young people participate in politics?'' *Youth participates because of Climate and internet politics* ''wait, no, not like that!'' At the same time, i don't think ''not voting'' is answer, you are throwing the one voice you have away with that. And while it may seem hopeless to change anything, it does actually effect stuff. Example: Before EUP elections, while youth was protesting, politicians didn't really take notice of the protests much. However, after the Elections happened and CDU and SPD lost much more than expected, and Greens gained much more than expected, Climate politics became #1 topic in the society. And while the government is still stubborn, the pressure is much bigger now and next Federal election could lead to a policy change. In that case, the demonstrations and elections were able to change the focus and the most important political topics in society. Now, of course Lobby money can stop/change the government behavior. And that's why a Lobby registery is needed imo.
  11. Luigi's Especially when it results in delicious KOs
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