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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. >Salt Neptunia prediced the absolute state of the Pokemon fanbase
  2. There's nothing wrong with Conquest chapter 20. Hey, look, it's 'bash Fates fans' hour again. I thought we stopped that shit since FE16 release
  3. >buys a game >wins said game a few hours later in a giveaway >steam refunds bought game >activates won Key on Steam :3
  4. yeah. There's that mini guide that should be sufficient https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/491108580175642625/631269248529989652/thracia_776_guide.docx Fewod also also helps Much much better. Thracia's gameplay is one of the best in the Series imo. Honestly, the one thing that annoys me with it is Kaga going full Kaga surprise mode, especially in X chapters and late game chapters. But it's still pretty good.
  5. I found conquest to be way harder than Thracia Thracia's 'difficulty' mostly comes from Kaga's surprise stuff
  6. Doggos OP Pls nerf *checks PS store* OOF. The game is 60€ on PS Store 30€ on Steam
  7. FE4 Chapter 7 - Huge Desert, FE4 size= nooooo FE10 Part 4 maps - Unlimited Reinforecements + Route = disgusting. FE14CQ Fox Map - YOU SHALL NOT ATTACK.
  8. >30% Launch discount on Dragon Star I love you, Iffy. Now just gotta wait until deluxe bundle becomes available
  9. Dragon Ball Z every Saturday on 19:30! Pokito/RTL2 is what got me into Anime xD *Nostalgia intensifies*
  10. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1062040/Dragon_Star_Varnir/ Witches witches 😄 Re: show, don't tell. Here's something i consider to be a bad example: CS2. The game keeps talking about War here, War there... But there wasn't a War anywhere, and the game failed to make the player feel like a War is going on or showing it. That's a case where the writer kept telling us about something, yet didn't show it, which made it utterly fail on itself, Good Example: Ys 8. You are in Island, and you have to survive. The game shows you that by making you defend yourself from monster attacks, helping in building a village, while exploring said island. The game doesn't keep reminding you you need to survive by telling you, but by showing you. Another Good Example: Sky Sc chapter. Seeing how society trying to survive without technology, how everything became a pain in the ass to do, etc. It showed us, not just telling us
  11. 17.5€/Month for the 2 shows i watch semi-regularly and the football competition every 2 years :'D Premium service right there. That reminds me, in Fairy Fencer F i got my Party to lvl 101 during the game (3rd Route starts at you being lvl60 and ends by facing lvl90-100 Monsters in final dungeon). It was pretty easy to be that high because you get world shaping items that can increase EXP gain by up to 250%+ 😄
  12. that's what got some characters from lvl50 (Endgame lvl) to 70 xD Same same. I only watch TV stuff for Football competitions and sometimes Heute Show/Die Anstalt And i view them all online anyway.
  13. Time for you to act more Matur, to go with the tropes and all O.o. My characters in MegaNep are at lvl50-70
  14. Late 70s Liber Ark huh That's a low lvl yup. So you will probably be at Löwe on 87 (which is one 1-2 levels below normal for Löwe fight)? Considering You will get extra exp from bosses since you are underlvld. Also, you should've done Nightmare 😉
  15. Iirc in a Stream Kondo said Sakurai used to be a Ys fan back in the day, so not all hope is lost 😄 smash fans hate everything
  16. from what bit i played: no. You can only do that one attack while in 3D mode and that's it. Maybe it changes later on, but eary game it doesn't combo off
  17. Finished Borderlands 2 Have been playing over the months co-op with a friend. I have to say, it's ok. Some Bosses are cool, and playing co-op is pretty fun. But i would never play a game like that alone tbh. The whole collect a loot thingy isn't exactly something i am fond off, and some enemies were just annoying (looking at you, Badasses), and it was a bit grindy for my tastes. 7/10, just for the cool Bosses
  18. the whole '2D but actually 3D' was pretty annoying tbh. Not to mention it plays more like a fighting game and less an action game, and i usually don't play fighting games that aren't called smash
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