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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. So finished Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night So, unlike many of it's players, i never played a Castlevania game before, however i have to say i really enjoyed my time with it. It's a solid 8/10. The gameplay is fun, and alot of the Bosses were pretty cool, and the Music, oh my, the Music, so good, so good. What i didn't like however: Difficulty curve: Mainly, it was too easy, and you can't select higher difficulties unless you clear the game (which is a dumb choice tbh). However, despite it mostly being too easy, there are big difficulty spikes, especially towards the end. Instead of a steady difficulty curve, it just suddenly spikes towards the end Cryptic ways to move forward: This really annoyed me. Sometimes there are no hints on how to move forward and for the life of me i can't figure out how is anyone suppossed to come up with that while playing. One example: halfway through the game, you need a random drop from a random monster to move forward... How is anyone, especially those unlucky like me who didn't get the drop when i did the monster quest for the monster that dropped those, suppossed to find out about that? Castlevania fans say it's obvious to them, but for a newcomes like me it's ??? and made me run like a headless chicken for a while. There're multipe such things throught the game, especially in the later half Touching enemies without them attacking = damage. That needed sometime to get used to. Maybe it's a genre thing or something however. Still, all in all i enjoyed it and can recommend it^^ Some enemies do have knockback, infact, alot of them do. Not early on however. I once got knocked back by attack completely to the other room xD Boss rooms usually have boss doors though, so you better not enter it before finding the save room 😉
  2. I am an idiot The final boss does have it's tanky Parts yes, but you don't need to deal with them The thing is however, you don't get to see the HP of the non tanky part when you attack it, so i didn't notice it lmao Anyway, with that, finished Bloodstained. A solid 8/10. Will go in depth later in the watcha playing thread but gotta do a fast shopping run before shops close up
  3. Actually, i do mind them more in action games because i don't want to be pressing buttons super fast and evading attacks for like an hour. Hurts the hand man xD
  4. Just reading about it ugh Who did think that that is a good idea?
  5. I don't mind stupidly hard if the battle is short enough. See: Galbalan in Ys Oath, that's probably the hardest boss fight i even played, but it's also my favourite, however, the fight takes like 3-6 Minutes, so it's perfect. Newer Ys sadly threw that outta window for longer, but easier final fights. Now Easy + a Million HP is just the worst imho. My fav. final bosses have to be: Ys Oath FE Radiant Dawn Ys Origin HGSS vs. Red battle Yoshi's Island
  6. Is it me, or do alot of new games not get final bosses right? I know they are the final challenge and all, but do they really have to be so tanky?
  7. So i am at the final boss in Bloodstained atm... 25k freaking HP... really game <.< On another Note https://gematsu.com/2019/09/atelier-ryza-sales-top-150000-in-first-week-in-japan
  8. Did you view the post game event? The one in Heart Dimension with Big Nep? Umu, umu! Violins<3
  9. Planeptune did fine while Nep was on her dimensional adventures... which is every game xD Yeaaah i didn't bother with that. There's a reason why i collected (Re)-warps staffs the whole game.... Just to one turn late game maps, because those weren't exactly fun.
  10. >70 Turns O.o ''Histy, i am sick of Paperwork, and there's not enough pudding, so i am going to the moon! Bye!''
  12. And got Invert in Bloodstained. 75% completed, 25% to go! I know, still funny xD
  13. Area that don't have blood above/on the wall don't rain. Directional shield could also be used What usually fucked me was her cyclone attack, especially in 2nd phase. me.jpg
  14. Now i'm curious about next week's sale numbers. DQ is gonna be on top no doubt, but Ryza seems to be pretty high, too And what about Ys 9? We shall see Almost same time as me then huh. If you were Mid 20s then you weren't at her early really. I heard alot of people struggled with her battle Nep looks pretty funny xD yeah, confirmed Xenoblade is filled with people who all dance like me xD
  15. ''that early''? When exactly did you fight her? I fought her after i got the Gebel bad end She still gave me hell tho. Was a pretty though fight
  16. reminds me of i got that 2 days ago as well. Then defeated Bloodless. You defeated her yet? Yesterday i was running like a headless chicken trying to continue but there were no clues... turns out i need to defeat a random Monster until i get a shard that will allow me to traverse underwater... Weird design choice tbh Segami from Sega x Neptune https://store.steampowered.com/app/571530/Superdimension_Neptune_VS_Sega_Hard_Girls/
  17. I am an evil person i introduced someone to the cult of Nep and pointed him towards Conquest His words:
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