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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Tfw you had to take a Taxi to get to your appointment because you waited for the bus who should come every 10 minutes for 30 minutes and he didn't come. BVG pls. It isn't even winter yet. It's just some rain <.<
  2. Error: Win folder not found Win condition inaccessible. Critical Folder lost. Mission Failed.
  3. TIL the ''City of Legacia'' i kept mishearing the whole time in the RA2 OST is ''c'est une obligation!'' xD
  4. And like the whole direct, it was forgotten in favour of Sans xD
  5. you misunderstood me xD I meant that for all the money GF has, their games are pretty much indie quality
  6. Gamefreak is an indie level developer that just got lucky with Pokemon. Pokemon itself is an indie level game...
  7. Sunday is ruined by the fact that it is followed by monday... delete monday please <.< say no more. Explains everything let me guess, you live in a Students Dorm? Or somewhere where alot of Students live? Because lecture free time + weekend + Students = rowdy bunch.
  8. I usually have a rotation i change every 3 Weeks or so this is my current one
  9. @CelicaLucina to add to what DragonFlames said, If you are playing them on steam, make sure to use the Retranslation patches for Re;Birth 2 and 3. As for the Spin off games, the ones i played where Noire776 Hyperdevotion Noire, Nepunia Action U and Cyberdimension, and honestly, i'd stick to the mainline games, which are much much much better. Hyperdevotion is a fun-ish SRPG, but it has that one stupid thing called self-insert. WHY. The less i say about Action U, the better. As for Cyberdimension, it's fun, but it's one buggy mess. Also, people way overstimate the fanservice in the mainline games tbh. There alot of it, yes, but not really that much as people make them out to be.
  10. so i reinstalled Red Alert 3 yesterday...... I forgot how to play RTS xD
  11. Ys7 Bosses are super tanky by Ys standards. Mainly because you have S-crafts in this game.
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