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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. before i go shopping CS2's gameplay (and CS1's) i really really hate for being way too easy. I usually play Trails on higher difficulties, and it's usually a fun, punishing, challenge. CS1/2 on Nightmare was like playing Sky on easy. Except for the CS2 NG+ fight (and fighting it with a pure NG party, not NG+), the game was a cakewalk, which really really pissed me off, coming from Sky.
  2. ahh, Levia, the Ass saver. Gameplay wise, Lisette's Songs are definetly the most useful The ones i listen the most to on youtube are either Mordi's first one or Sakuya's ''SAA SAA SAA'' XD Although i love all the Songs, they are great.
  3. Yup Yup! Was a pretty damn good game 😄 Especially the music. So gooooooooooooood.
  4. THERE ARE DOZENS OF US DOZENS! Good to see someone else played that game :D @HekselkaOne of us, one of us!
  5. So while waiting for my simulation to finish i did this I also did this a while ago xD
  6. *feels uncomfortable around the Alisa fanbase he accidently landed in*
  7. Huh, so i am not the only one whose Hype was completely killed by CS2. I have hope however that Crossbell will restore my hype levels agian, since we are getting Geofront soon ™️ and all My suggestion: Find a way to ''try'' the PC version *wink* If it runs there, get it there, if not, get switch.
  8. Iirc the AI is bound to the same rules as the player. Like they don't see you etc.
  9. only Ys 8, so far. Well, there's Origin with it's 3 Routes, and only 3rd route is considered ''true'' Jumping is back, sprinting is back, better Enemy & Boss Design, and there are Solo Sections. Not to mention smoother control & Gameplay in general with PC it's a dice roll. Either it runs perfectly (like with me) or it crashes 24/7. People are still getting crashes to this day. Thanks NISA. I also was playing on Nightmare, which made Sponge sooo spongy <.<
  10. honestly, the ending is the one thing i hated about the game I think there is, but i recommend waiting for the Remake like everyone is doing atm. It's the only old Ys game not to be remaked so far (1/2->Chronicles, 3->Felghana, 4->Celceta), and should be remaked next.
  11. Banned for thinking there's something innocent in this world
  12. Ys 8 is the longest Ys, is also jokingly called Ys no Kiseki sometimes 😉 ~30 Hours Ys are Ys 7 and Celceta the rest are ~10-15 hours. Did you get the True Ending btw?
  13. tfw you write a program, get it to run for a few hours while sitting in the office not being able to do anything and then you get Nothing dissapointment.jpg i always saw her as a genderbent Crow tbh
  14. I win because today is monday I got Claude on that quiz kek
  15. I, for one, welcome our bump system overlords https://i.imgur.com/ayIPPXK.mp4
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